.:. 草榴社區 » 技術討論區 » [2023-02-05] 华尔街日报 - 贸易数据显示中国援助俄罗斯在乌克兰的战争 (中国间谍气球被击落)
本頁主題: [2023-02-05] 华尔街日报 - 贸易数据显示中国援助俄罗斯在乌克兰的战争 (中国间谍气球被击落)字體大小 寬屏顯示 只看樓主 最新點評 熱門評論 時間順序

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[2023-02-05] 华尔街日报 - 贸易数据显示中国援助俄罗斯在乌克兰的战争 (中国间谍气球被击落)


WASHINGTON—China is providing technology that Moscow’s military needs to prosecute the Kremlin’s war in Ukraine despite an international cordon of sanctions and export controls, according to a Wall Street Journal review of Russian customs data.

The customs records show Chinese state-owned defense companies shipping navigation equipment, jamming technology and fighter-jet parts to sanctioned Russian government-owned defense companies.

Those are but a handful of tens of thousands of shipments of dual-use goods—products that have both commercial and military applications—that Russia imported following its invasion last year, according to the customs records provided to the Journal by C4ADS, a Washington-based nonprofit that specializes in identifying national-security threats. Most of the dual-use shipments were from China, the records show.
根据 C4ADS,专门从事识别国家安全威胁的非营利组织,向《华尔街日报》提供的海关记录,这些只是俄罗斯在去年入侵后进口的数万批军民两用商品中的一小部分。 。记录显示,大部分军民两用货物来自中国。

China’s backing for Russia while it wages war on Ukraine was supposed to be on the agenda for discussion during Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s travels to Beijing this weekend. That trip was indefinitely postponed Friday after the Pentagon said that it had tracked a Chinese reconnaissance balloon over the continental U.S. earlier in the week.
在原计划本周末国务卿安东尼·布林肯 (Antony Blinken) 访问北京期间,中国对俄罗斯在俄乌战争的支持本应列入讨论议程。 在五角大楼表示本周早些时候在美国大陆上空追踪到中国侦察气球后,该行程于周五无限期推迟。


Russia’s foreign, defense and economic ministries didn’t respond to requests for comment. “Russia has enough technological potential to ensure its security and conduct the special military operation. This potential is constantly being improved,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.
俄罗斯外交部、国防部和经济部没有回应置评请求。 “俄罗斯拥有足够的技术潜力来确保其安全并开展特别军事行动。 这种潜力正在不断提高,”克里姆林宫发言人德米特里佩斯科夫说。

While Russia has the capability to produce much of its basic military needs domestically, it relies heavily on imports for dual-use technology, such as semiconductors, that is essential for modern warfare.

Western officials said their economic pressure campaign launched last February would cripple Moscow’s war machine by targeting those exports to Russia, including computer chips, infrared cameras and radar equipment.
西方官员表示,他们去年 2 月发起的经济施压行动将针对对俄罗斯的出口,包括计算机芯片、红外摄像机和雷达设备,从而削弱莫斯科的战争机器。

But customs and corporate records show Russia is still able to import that technology through countries that haven’t joined the U.S.-led efforts to cut off Moscow from global markets. Many of the export-controlled products are still flowing through nations such as Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, whose governments are accused by Western officials of flouting the sanctions and controls. Turkish officials have said the sanctions are ineffective and that Ankara is playing an important role as an interlocutor with Russia. Under pressure from the U.S., Turkey has moved to halt some financial and business ties.
但海关和公司记录显示,俄罗斯仍然能够通过尚未加入以美国为首的切断莫斯科与全球市场联系的努力的国家进口该技术。 许多受出口管制的产品仍在流经土耳其和阿拉伯联合酋长国等国家,西方官员指责这些国家的政府无视制裁和管制。 土耳其官员表示,制裁无效,安卡拉作为与俄罗斯的对话者发挥着重要作用。 在美国的压力下,土耳其已采取行动停止一些金融和商业联系。

The U.A.E. embassy in Washington, D.C., didn’t comment.

The records reviewed by the Journal, however, show Chinese companies—both state-owned and private—as the dominant exporters of dual-use goods that U.S. officials say are of particular concern.

The Journal analyzed more than 84,000 shipments recorded by Russia’s customs office in the period after the West launched the economic pressure campaign that focused on commodities the Biden administration red-flagged as critical to the Russian military. The official Russian customs records, which C4ADS said might not include all records, detail each shipment into the country, providing dates, shippers, recipients, purchasers, addresses and product descriptions.
《华尔街日报》分析了在西方发起经济压力运动之后俄罗斯海关记录的 84,000 多批货物,其中重点是拜登政府标记为对俄罗斯军方至关重要的商品。 C4ADS 表示,俄罗斯官方海关记录可能不包括所有记录,详细说明了每批运往该国的货物,包括日期、托运人、收件人、购买者、地址和产品说明。


The Journal also identified from the records more than a dozen Russian and Chinese companies targeted by the U.S. under the Russia pressure campaign, as well as all other sanctions programs.

Industry and government officials said the data offers substantial evidence of how Russia is able to sidestep the centerpiece of the West’s response to Russia’s war against Ukraine.

“Despite international scrutiny and sanctions protocols, reliable global trade data shows that Chinese state-owned defense companies continue to send military-applicable parts to sanctioned Russian defense companies,” said Naomi Garcia, an analyst at C4ADS. “These Russian companies have been recorded using these same types of parts directly in Russia’s war in Ukraine.”
“尽管有国际审查和制裁协议,但可靠的全球贸易数据显示,中国国防企业继续向受制裁的俄罗斯国防企业运送军用部件,”C4ADS 分析师内奥米加西亚说。 “据记载,这些俄罗斯公司在俄乌战争中直接使用了这些相同类型的部件。”

To tighten the enforcement of the international pressure campaign, U.S. officials have said they are investigating the export of banned products and business dealings, trying to wrangle compliance through diplomatic outreach around the world, and have said they are preparing sanctions against new targets thought to be facilitating the Kremlin’s war.

On Wednesday, the U.S. Treasury Department added to its sanction rolls nearly two dozen individuals and the companies they are allegedly using to procure weapons and other goods for Russian state defense firms.


Just before Russia’s full-scale assault on Ukraine last February, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping declared a “no limits” partnership aimed at countering the U.S. Since the invasion, Beijing has attempted to strike a cautious balance, saying it is opposed to the war in Ukraine while keeping its diplomatic, financial and trade ties open to Russia.
就在去年 2 月俄罗斯全面进攻乌克兰之前,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔普京和中国国家主席习近平宣布建立“无限制”伙伴关系以对抗美国。自入侵以来,北京一直试图取得谨慎的平衡,表示反对俄乌战争,同时保持其对俄罗斯的外交、金融和贸易关系。

“The allegation that China provides ‘aid’ to Russia has no factual basis, but is purely speculative and deliberately hyped up,” Liu Pengyu, China’s spokesman at its Washington embassy told the Journal. Mr. Liu reiterated the long-held view by Beijing that China opposes what it calls unilateral sanctions that have no basis under international law.
“有关中国向俄罗斯提供‘援助’的说法没有事实依据,纯属臆测和故意炒作,”中国驻华盛顿大使馆发言人刘鹏宇告诉《华尔街日报》。 刘先生重申了北京长期以来的观点,即中国反对所谓的没有国际法依据的单边制裁。

The customs records include examples of exports of parts for the type of weapons used by Russian forces in Ukraine.

China’s state-owned defense company Poly Technologies on Aug. 31, 2022, shipped navigation equipment to Russia’s state-owned military export firm JSC Rosoboronexport for M-17 military transport helicopters. Earlier that month, Chinese electronics firm Fujian Nanan Baofeng Electronic Co. supplied to Rosoboronexport—through an Uzbek state-owned defense firm—a telescoping antenna for the RB-531BE military vehicle, which is used for communications jamming. On Oct. 24, Chinese state-owned aircraft firm AVIC International Holding Corp. shipped to AO Kret, a subsidiary of sanctioned government-owned defense giant Rostec, $1.2 million worth of parts for Su-35 jet fighters.
中国国有国防企业保利科技有限公司于 2022 年 8 月 31 日向俄罗斯国有军事出口公司 JSC Rosoboronexport 运送了用于 M-17 军用运输直升机的导航设备。 当月早些时候,中国电子公司福建南安宝锋电子有限公司通过一家乌兹别克斯坦国有国防公司向 Rosoboronexport 提供了用于 RB-531BE 军用车辆的伸缩天线,用于通信干扰。 10 月 24 日,中国国有飞机公司中航国际控股公司向受制裁的国有国防巨头 Rostec 的子公司 AO Kret 运送了价值 120 万美元的 Su-35 喷气式战斗机零部件。

Wang Shaofeng, general manager of Fujian Baofeng Electronics Co., said in an emailed response that a third party may be illegally using his firm’s name, and that it doesn’t include “Nanan.” He also said his company doesn’t produce telescoping antennas and doesn’t have a record of shipping to any Uzbek state-owned defense firm. “This report lacks factual basis and is inconsistent with the facts,” Mr. Wang said.
福建宝锋电子有限公司总经理王少峰在一封电子邮件回复中表示,第三方可能非法使用其公司名称,其中不包括“南安”。 他还表示,他的公司不生产伸缩天线,也没有向任何乌兹别克斯坦国有国防公司发货的记录。 “这份报道缺乏事实依据,与事实不符,”王先生说。

U.S. Federal Communications Commission documents filed by Fujian Nanan Baofeng Electronic Co. for U.S. sales of two-way radios records matching contact details and is signed by a “Wang Shao Feng.”
福建南安宝锋电子有限公司向美国联邦通信委员会提交的美国双向收音机销售文件记录了匹配的联系方式,并由“Wang Shao Feng”签名。

The other Chinese and Russian firms didn’t respond to requests for comment.

In the past, Russian officials have said they would adapt to the Western sanctions campaign by turning to Asia, including China.

Other foreign-government suppliers found in the customs data include China Taly Aviation Technologies Corp., a procurement unit of China’s Air Force Equipment Department. The Chinese aviation company didn’t respond to requests for comment.
在海关数据中发现的其他外国政府供应商包括中国空军装备部的采购单位中国泰利航空技术有限公司。 中国航空公司没有回应置评请求。

Among that firm’s shipments were parts sent on Oct. 4 to Russia’s sanctioned state-owned missile-manufacturer Almaz Antey for use on the 96L6E mobile radar unit. Russia uses the radar to detect enemy jet fighter, missiles and drones as part of its S-400 antiaircraft missile system being used in Ukraine, according to arms analysts. The Russian firm didn’t respond to requests for comment.
该公司的货物包括 10 月 4 日发送给俄罗斯受制裁的国有导弹制造商 Almaz Antey 的零件,用于 96L6E 机动雷达装置。 据武器分析人士称,俄罗斯使用雷达探测敌方喷气式战斗机、导弹和无人机,作为其在乌克兰使用的 S-400 防空导弹系统的一部分。 这家俄罗斯公司没有回应置评请求。

Kret and a host of other Russian companies that contract with the government’s intelligence, military and security services also used privately held Chinese firms. Sinno Electronics, sanctioned late last year by the U.S. Treasury Department for allegedly procuring banned goods for Russia’s defense sector, was one of the most prolific exporters of dual-use goods, sending more than 1,300 shipments between April and October worth more than $2 million, according to customs data. Neither Kret nor Sinno Electronics responded to requests for comment.
Kret 和许多其他与政府情报、军事和安全部门签订合同的俄罗斯公司也使用了私营的中国公司。 信诺电子有限公司去年年底因涉嫌为俄罗斯国防部门采购违禁商品而受到美国财政部的制裁,是最多产的军民两用商品出口商之一,在 4 月至 10 月期间发送了 1,300 多批货物,价值超过 200 万美元, 根据海关数据。 Kret 和信诺电子有限公司均未回应置评请求。


The data also shows shipments of Chinese DJI quadcopters to Russia after the sanctions and export controls were imposed. Military analysts say the drones are being used by the Russian forces to locate and surveil Ukrainian forces, then target them with artillery.
数据还显示,在实施制裁和出口管制后,中国大疆四轴飞行器运往俄罗斯。 军事分析人士说,俄罗斯军队正在使用这些无人机来定位和监视乌克兰军队,然后用大炮瞄准他们。

Some of these drones are delivered directly by a Chinese retailer to Russian distributors, according to customs records, but other DJI quadcopters transit through the United Arab Emirates. The emirates’ embassy in Washington, D.C., didn’t respond to requests for comment.
根据海关记录,其中一些无人机由中国零售商直接交付给俄罗斯经销商,但其他大疆四轴飞行器通过阿拉伯联合酋长国转运。 阿联酋驻华盛顿大使馆没有回应置评请求。

DJI said the company opposes military use of its drones, suspended its operations in Russia in April and requires global agents to comply. The company added, however, “We cannot stop users or organizations from buying in countries or regions other than Russia and Ukraine, and then transporting or giving them to Russia and Ukraine.”
大疆表示,该公司反对将其无人机用于军事用途,并于 4 月暂停了在俄罗斯的业务,并要求全球代理商遵守规定。 不过,该公司补充说,“我们不能阻止用户或组织在俄罗斯和乌克兰以外的国家或地区购买,然后将其运输或交给俄罗斯和乌克兰。”

Among the supplies critical to Moscow’s war efforts, U.S. officials say, are the computer chips that are used in weapons that target Ukrainian forces and infrastructure, and in electronic circuitry that makes possible satellite geolocating, radio communication, surveillance and navigation systems.

Exports of such chips and associated components were more than cut in half after the U.S. and its allies first imposed strict export restrictions, according to the customs records. But those levels quickly began to rise, and by October hit nearly $33 million, just shy of the $35 million monthly level Russia averaged since the U.S. started targeting Russia with sanctions in 2014 after Putin’s army occupied Crimea, according to the Journal’s analysis of the Russian custom records and the United Nations’ Comtrade database.
根据海关记录,在美国及其盟友首次实施严格的出口限制后,此类芯片及相关组件的出口量减少了一半以上。 但这些水平很快开始上升,到 10 月达到近 3300 万美元,略低于俄罗斯自 2014 年普京军队占领克里米亚后美国开始针对俄罗斯实施制裁以来的平均月度水平 3500 万美元,根据《华尔街日报》对俄罗斯的分析。 海关记录和联合国商品贸易数据库。

Unlike previous export-control regimes that banned the direct provision of certain dual use goods, Western authorities in February said they were targeting the entire supply chain. That means transshipments—goods produced in third countries using U.S. dual-use items, such as chips, that are then shipped to Russia—are also targeted.
与之前禁止直接提供某些军民两用产品的出口管制制度不同,西方当局在 2 月份表示,他们的目标是整个供应链。 这意味着转运——使用美国芯片等两用物品在第三国生产的商品,然后运往俄罗斯——也成为目标。

Silverado Policy Accelerator, a Washington-based think tank that seeks to bolster U.S. competitiveness, said in a report published this month that Russia is increasingly relying on transshipments of dual-use goods through China, and especially Hong Kong, to meet its military needs.
旨在增强美国竞争力的华盛顿智库 Silverado Policy Accelerator 在本月发布的一份报告中表示,俄罗斯越来越依赖通过中国,尤其是香港转运军民两用商品,以满足其军事需求。

“These measures have had a pretty significant impact on Russia’s capabilities,” said Sarah Stewart, chief executive of Silverado, referring to the allied sanctions and export controls, “but they have not yet delivered a death blow.”
“这些措施对俄罗斯的能力产生了相当大的影响,”Silverado 首席执行官莎拉·斯图尔特 (Sarah Stewart) 在谈到盟国制裁和出口管制时说,“但它们尚未造成致命一击。”



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