.:. 草榴社區 » 技術討論區 » [2022-10-14] 纽约时报 - 动画“长春”影评:当国家电视台被劫持时
本頁主題: [2022-10-14] 纽约时报 - 动画“长春”影评:当国家电视台被劫持时字體大小 寬屏顯示 只看樓主 最新點評 熱門評論 時間順序

級別:聖騎士 ( 11 )
威望:811 點
金錢:8158 USD
貢獻:2622 點

[2022-10-14] 纽约时报 - 动画“长春”影评:当国家电视台被劫持时


Two decades after members of Falun Gong took over local television programming in Changchun, China, a documentary looks back.


“Eternal Spring” revisits an incident from 2002, when members of the spiritual movement Falun Gong hijacked local television programming in the city of Changchun, China. Their goal was to air a video that contradicted the Chinese government’s negative portrayal of the practice, which combines elements of Buddhism, Taoism and Chinese breathing exercises. China, seeing Falun Gong’s popularity as a political threat, had banned the group in 1999.
《长春》重温了 2002 年的事件,当时精神运动法轮功的成员劫持了中国长春市的当地电视节目。 他们的目标是播放一段与中国政府对这项运动评价相反的视频,该运动结合了佛教、道教和中国呼吸练习的元素。 中国将法轮功的普及视为一种政治威胁,于 1999 年取缔了该组织。

This documentary, directed by Jason Loftus, incorporates animation to revisit these past events. In an eye-catching early sequence, the cartoon equivalent of a fluid single take depicts law enforcement rounding up several people suspected of being involved in Falun Gong or of hijacking the TV signal.
这部由 Jason Loftus 执导的纪录片结合了动画来重温这些过去的事件。 在一个引人注目的早期序列中,这部相当流畅的卡通片描绘了执法人员围捕了几名涉嫌参与法轮功或劫持电视信号的人。

“Eternal Spring” primarily trails Daxiong, a Toronto-based comics artist who designed the movie’s storyboards. A Falun Gong adherent who says he had disagreed with the hijacking but who fled China to avoid the crackdown that followed it, he visits with participants in the TV takeover and adjacent figures who now live outside China. (Some of the dramatis personae are introduced with comics-style nicknames: “the mastermind,” “the runner,” “the electrician” and so on.) Daxiong draws illustrations as his interlocutors tell stories of the event’s planning and aftermath, and as they share vivid memories of planners who are no longer alive.
《长春》主要源于多伦多漫画家大雄的电影故事板块。做为一名法轮功信徒,他不同意劫持电视台事件,但为了避免随后的镇压而逃离中国,他拜访了事件的参与者以及现在居住在中国境外的相关人物。 (一些戏剧人物以漫画风格的绰号介绍:“策划者”、“赛跑者”、“电工”等。)当对话者讲述事件的计划和后果时,大雄就在绘制插图,他们分享了做为不再中国生活的计划者的生动回忆。

“Eternal Spring” has value as an educational tool about Falun Gong and its place in China, and as a testament to its subjects’ bravery in defying the state. Still, while the animation gives the documentary some distinction, the narrative can’t entirely shake the sense that this momentous but brief episode is scaled more for a short than a feature.






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