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[2022-10-04] 纽约时报 - 为什么中国的罪行不能逍遥法外


By Nicholas Bequelin
Nicholas Bequelin is a human rights expert and China specialist. He was Amnesty International’s Asia director and a senior researcher with Human Rights Watch and is now a visiting scholar at Yale University’s Paul Tsai China Center.

尼古拉斯·贝克林是人权专家和中国问题专家。 他曾任国际特赦组织亚洲区主任和人权观察高级研究员,现为耶鲁大学蔡中曾中国中心访问学者。

For years, China denied committing human rights violations in __, denounced its accusers and tried to block a United Nations investigation. Now we know why.
多年来,中国否认在你猜这是哪儿侵犯人权,谴责指控者并试图阻止联合国的调查。 现在我们知道为什么了。

The U.N.’s long-delayed findings by the United Nations, released late last month, confirmed the most chilling allegations by ethnic __: systematic mass internment, disappearances, torture, cultural and religious erasure and political indoctrination of __and other __ minorities.

The U.N.’s human rights office, which compiled the report, said these allegations may amount to crimes against humanity, the most severe violations, along with genocide and war crimes, under international law. Despite China’s long record of documented human rights abuses, this was the first time it faced such grave accusations from the United Nations.
编写该报告的联合国人权办公室表示,根据国际法,这些指控可能构成危害人类罪、最严重的侵权行为,以及种族灭绝罪和战争罪。 尽管中国长期以来有记录在案的侵犯人权行为,但这是它第一次面临联合国如此严重的指控。

The international community, working through the U.N., must respond with meaningful steps to end the abuses, free prisoners and hold Beijing to account.

The stakes extend far beyond __’s borders.

Strong action is essential to draw a line in the sand against an orchestrated campaign waged for years by China to gut the U.N.’s ability to protect human rights. This goes well beyond China’s frequent use of its Security Council veto to shield abusers like Myanmar and Syria. Chinese efforts include a behind-the-scenes war of attrition to undermine mechanisms like the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the 47-nation Human Rights Council, which is tasked with addressing violations.
必须采取强有力的行动,才能与中国多年来为削弱联合国保护人权的能力而精心策划的运动划清界限。 这远远超出了中国经常使用安理会否决权来保护缅甸和叙利亚等滥用者的做法。 中国的努力包括一场幕后消耗战,以破坏联合国人权事务高级专员办事处和负责解决侵权问题的由 47 个国家组成的人权理事会等机制。

China’s offensive takes many forms, ranging from its attempt to defund the human rights component of U.N. peacekeeping operations in 2018 to intimidating civil society groups, blocking their U.N. accreditations and manipulating the Human Rights Council.
中国的攻势有多种形式,从 2018 年试图为联合国维和行动中的人权部分撤资,到恐吓民间社会团体、阻止其联合国认证和操纵人权理事会。

The Chinese Communist Party’s ultimate goal is to cripple the international community’s ability to censure countries for human rights violations. The party’s constitution candidly defines its rule as a “dictatorship,” and it sees human rights — and global scrutiny — as threatening its ability to crush challenges to its monopoly on domestic power and potentially impeding Beijing’s programs to build overseas influence like its Belt and Road Initiative.
中国共产党的最终目标是削弱国际社会谴责国家侵犯人权的能力。 党的宪法坦率地将其统治定义为“独裁”,它认为人权——以及全球审查——威胁到其压制对国内权力垄断的挑战的能力,并可能阻碍北京建立像“一带一路”这样的海外影响力的计划 倡议。

China’s leverage is growing. The rise of authoritarianism around the world provides a widening base of support from like-minded regimes. Global dependence on Chinese trade, investment and financial assistance allows China to strong-arm other countries into silence. Chinese nationals lead or occupy high positions in several U.N. agencies, and Beijing exercises growing control over other appointments and financial affairs. Its readiness to interfere with vital U.N. work was made clear in its obstruction of World Health Organization efforts to determine the source of the coronavirus.
中国的影响力正在增长。 世界各地威权主义的兴起为志同道合的政权提供了不断扩大的支持基础。 全球对中国贸易、投资和金融援助的依赖,让中国可以用强力武装其他国家使其保持沉默。 中国公民在多个联合国机构中领导或担任要职,北京对其他任命和财务事务的控制越来越多。 它准备干涉联合国的重要工作,这在它阻碍世界卫生组织确定武汉肺炎病毒来源的努力中得到了明确的体现。

__shows how effective this strategy can be.

Reports emerged in 2017 that China was incarcerating up to a million __and other minorities in re-education camps. (__, who are predominantly Muslim, have made up the bulk of __’s population for centuries and have long chafed under Beijing’s control.) China eventually acknowledged that the camps existed, saying they were part of Islamic deradicalization efforts.
2017 年有报道称,中国将多达 100 万你猜这是哪儿人和其他少数民族关押在再教育营中。 (以你猜这是哪儿为主的你猜这是哪儿人几个世纪以来一直占你猜这是哪儿人口的大部分,长期以来一直在北京的控制下感到恼火。)中国最终承认这些集中营的存在,称它们是你猜这是哪儿去极端化努力的一部分。

Horrifying allegations poured out: children separated from parents, __punished when relatives spoke out overseas, women forcibly sterilized or sexually abused and what the U.N. report called an “unusual and stark” decline in __birthrates. In leaked documents on the __crackdown, President Xi Jinping called in 2014 for “absolutely no mercy.”
令人震惊的指控层出不穷:孩子与父母失散,你猜这是哪儿人因亲戚在海外发表言论而受到惩罚,妇女被强行绝育或性虐待,以及联合国报告称你猜这是哪儿人出生率“异常而明显”的下降。 在有关你猜这是哪儿镇压的泄露文件中,习近平主席在 2014 年呼吁“绝不手软”。

Denying abuses, China sought to prevent global action. The U.N. human rights chief Michelle Bachelet repeatedly postponed publishing the investigation and during a visit to __in May recited Chinese talking points. Her office released its report just minutes before her four-year term ended at midnight on Aug. 31, allowing her to avoid addressing its findings, and broke with precedent by refraining from recommending further international action.
中国否认滥用职权,试图阻止全球行动。 联合国人权事务负责人米歇尔·巴切莱特(Michelle Bachelet)一再推迟公布调查结果,并在 5 月访问你猜这是哪儿期间背诵了中国的谈话要点。 她的办公室在她的四年任期于 8 月 31 日午夜结束前几分钟发布了报告,使她能够避免解决调查结果,并打破先例,不建议采取进一步的国际行动。

The foot dragging hasn’t stopped there.

Despite condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and human rights abuses in Myanmar, Iran and elsewhere, the U.N. secretary general, Antonio Guterres, has been largely silent on the __report, omitting it from a Sept. 20 address to the General Assembly in which he lamented other rights abuses around the world. Volker Türk, who will replace Ms. Bachelet in October, has likewise not yet indicated any plans to follow up.
尽管谴责俄罗斯入侵乌克兰以及在缅甸、伊朗和其他地方侵犯人权,但联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯基本上对你猜这是哪儿的报告保持沉默,在 9 月 20 日的联合国大会讲话中省略了该报告,他在其中感叹 世界各地的其他侵权行为。 将于 10 月接替巴切莱特的 Volker Türk 也没有表示任何后续计划。

This is deeply concerning because, for all its defects, the United Nations plays a crucial role in protecting human rights.

Before the world body was founded after World War II, no international framework existed for addressing the ethnic cleansing, mass murder, colonial brutality and other human rights abuses that states routinely committed, often against their own people.

U.N. founders absorbed the grim 20th-century lessons of two world wars, tens of millions of deaths and the Holocaust, realizing that protecting human rights was essential for world peace. Nazi Germany was viewed as proof that political repression often precedes the rise of belligerent regimes.
联合国创始人吸取了 20 世纪两次世界大战、数千万人死亡和大屠杀的严峻教训,意识到保护人权对于世界和平至关重要。 纳粹德国被视为政治镇压往往先于好战政权崛起的证据。

The United Nations Charter embraced human rights, resulting in 18 international treaties that obligate signatories to protect everything from free expression to children’s rights. Human rights crises are frequently addressed by the Security Council, which can refer them to the International Criminal Court when international crimes are suspected. Following up on findings of violations often clashes with geopolitical and economic realities, but human rights finally have a seat at the table of world politics.
《联合国宪章》拥护人权,产生了 18 项国际条约,要求签署国保护从言论自由到儿童权利的一切事物。 人权危机经常由安理会处理,当怀疑有国际罪行时,安理会可以将其提交国际刑事法院。 对侵权行为的调查结果往往与地缘政治和经济现实发生冲突,但人权最终在世界政治中占有一席之地。

China is working to undo this.

It is up to the Human Rights Council, in session until Oct. 7, to decide on any follow-up. Potential options include a mandate to conduct further investigation, which has been done for Russian aggression in Ukraine and many other crises, and to press for accountability.
10 月 7 日之前的会议将由人权理事会决定任何后续行动。 潜在的选择包括授权进行进一步调查,这已针对俄罗斯在乌克兰的侵略和许多其他危机进行,并要求追究责任。

China, a member of the council, will fight tooth and nail. It has already denounced the U.N. investigation as “illegal,” calling the human rights office a “thug and accomplice of the U.S.” Beijing has garnered less support than expected at the council in defending its policies in __, possibly reflecting discomfort with the enormity of the abuses. But meaningful action will require vigorous engagement by member states and courageous leadership from Mr. Guterres and Mr. Türk.
作为理事会成员的中国将斗争到底。 它已经谴责联合国的调查是“非法的”,称人权办公室是“美国的暴徒和帮凶” 北京在捍卫其你猜这是哪儿政策方面在安理会获得的支持少于预期,这可能反映了对滥用职权的严重程度的不满。 但有意义的行动需要成员国的积极参与以及古特雷斯先生和蒂尔克先生的勇敢领导。

Confronting China over __won’t automatically halt its sabotage of the U.N.’s human rights mission. But inaction would be a severe blow to U.N. credibility and risks putting the world back on a slippery slope where violations are once again tolerated or even normalized. China is pushing the world in that direction. It’s time to push back.
你猜这是哪儿问题上与中国对抗不会自动停止其对联合国人权使命的破坏。 但不采取行动将严重打击联合国的信誉,并有可能使世界重新陷入滑坡,再次容忍违规行为,甚至正常化。 中国正在推动世界朝着这个方向发展。 是时候反击了。


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