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[2022-09-17] 华盛顿邮报 - 中国高级官员希望与韩国进行高科技合作 (附老栗头装逼动图)


By Hyung-Jin Kim | AP
September 16, 2022 at 7:18 a.m. EDT

作者:金亨镇 | 美联社
美国东部时间 2022 年 9 月 16 日上午 7:18

SEOUL, South Korea — The head of China’s legislature called for cooperation with South Korea in advanced technology and supply chains, as he met South Korean leaders Friday amid concerns that their moves to solidify a military alliance with Washington could hamper Seoul’s ties with Beijing.

Li Zhanshu, third in the Chinese Communist Party hierarchy and one of President Xi Jinping’s closest confidants, is the highest-level Chinese official to visit South Korea since his predecessor did so in 2015. His trip is seen as part of efforts by Beijing to boost ties with neighboring countries ahead of a Communist Party congress next month that will likely grant Xi a third five-year term as leader.
栗战书是中共党内第三位,也是习近平主席最亲密的知己之一,是自其前任 2015 年访问韩国以来访问韩国的最高级别中国官员。他的此行被视为北京努力推动 在下个月的共产党代表大会之前与邻国建立联系,这可能会授予习近平第三个五年的领导人任期。

Li’s visit is also crucial for South Korea’s government, which wants to assure Beijing that its push to strengthen its alliance with the U.S. and participate in U.S.-led regional initiatives won’t target China, its biggest trading partner.

Li, chairman of the standing committee of China’s National People’s Congress, told a joint news conference with his South Korean counterpart that China supports “realizing cooperation in cutting-edge technology sectors and managing supply and industrial chains smoothly and stably.”

He didn’t elaborate. His comments are likely to reflect concerns in Beijing that its intensifying competition with the United States may lead to supply chain disruptions as some U.S. companies shift sourcing and production away from China. China also opposes South Korea’s possible participation in a U.S.-led semiconductor alliance involving Taiwan and Japan.
他没有详细说明。 他的评论可能反映了北京方面的担忧,即随着一些美国公司将采购和生产从中国转移,与美国的激烈竞争可能导致供应链中断。 中国还反对韩国可能参与美国牵头的涉及台湾和日本的半导体联盟。

Li’s closeness to Xi suggests his comments reflect the thinking of Xi and his inner circle. Li, who is leading a 66-member Chinese delegation to South Korea, met South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol and other top officials later Friday.
栗战书与习的亲近表明他的评论反映了习及其核心圈子的思想。 周五晚些时候,率领一个由 66 人组成的中国代表团访问韩国的栗战书会见了韩国总统尹锡烈和其他高级官员。

Earlier this month, Li visited Russia, where he decried international sanctions against Moscow, underscoring Beijing support for Russia in its war on Ukraine despite claims of neutrality. On Thursday, Xi met Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of a regional gathering in Uzbekistan. Putin thanked Xi for his “balanced” approach to the Ukrainian crisis and blasted Washington’s “ugly” policies.
本月早些时候,栗战书访问了俄罗斯,在那里他谴责对莫斯科的国际制裁,尽管声称保持中立,但仍强调北京支持俄罗斯,支持对乌克兰的战争。 周四,习近平在乌兹别克斯坦举行的区域会议期间会见了俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京。 普京感谢习近平对乌克兰危机的“平衡”态度,并抨击华盛顿的“丑陋”政策。

Li’s talks with Yoon have drawn keen attention because Yoon last month skipped an in-person meeting with U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who visited Seoul after a trip to Taiwan that angered China, which claims the self-ruled island as its territory. Yoon, who was on vacation, spoke by phone with Pelosi but faced domestic criticism that he had intentionally shunned her so as not to provoke China. Yoon was the only head of government who didn’t meet Pelosi face-to-face during her Asian trip, which also included Singapore, Malaysia and Japan.
栗战书与尹的会谈引起了极大的关注,因为尹上个月没有与美国众议院议长南希佩洛西进行面对面的会谈,后者访问了激怒中国的台湾后访问了首尔,中国声称这个自治岛屿是其领土。 正在度假的尹与佩洛西通了电话,但遭到国内批评,称他故意避开她以免激怒中国。尹是唯一一位在亚洲之行期间没有与佩洛西面对面会面的政府首脑,亚洲之行还包括新加坡、马来西亚和日本。

Kim Heung-kyu, director of the U.S.-China Policy Institute at Ajou University in South Korea, said Li’s visit is different from Pelosi’s because she arrived after her contentious Taiwan trip. But he said China would still likely see symbolic significance in Li meeting with a South Korean president whom Pelosi failed to meet.
韩国 Ajou 大学美中政策研究所所长 Kim Heung-kyu 表示,栗战书的访问与佩洛西的不同,因为她是在有争议的台湾之行之后抵达的。 但他表示,中国仍有可能在栗战书与佩洛西未能会见的韩国总统会面中看到象征意义。

Some worry that Yoon’s tilt toward Washington could trigger economic retaliation by China, as it did in 2017 when South Korea allowed the United States to base a Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense radar system, or THAAD, on its soil. China, which says the radar can spy on its territory, suspended group tours to South Korea and conducted an unofficial boycott of South Korean products.
一些人担心尹某向华盛顿倾斜可能会引发中国的经济报复,就像 2017 年韩国允许美国在其领土上建立终端高空区域防御雷达系统(萨德)一样。 中国称雷达可以在其领土上进行间谍活动,因此暂停了前往韩国的团体旅游,并对韩国产品进行了非官方的抵制。

During their meeting, Yoon said the THAAD issue must not be a sticking point in bilateral ties, and Li agreed on the need for close coordination to resolve sensitive issues, according to Yoon’s office.

China is likely to be more cautious about launching another economic retaliation because it would push South Korea closer to the United States and worsen anti-Chinese sentiment in South Korea, according to Professor Kim Han-kwon of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy.

“In the case of the THAAD dispute, China shook public opinion in South Korea and caused South Korea to suffer economic losses,” he said. “But eventually, they failed to get THAAD scrapped and anti-China sentiment grew in South Korea. There was also a public reevaluation of a boosting of the South Korea-U.S. alliance and of South Korea-U.S.-Japan security cooperation.”
“在萨德争端事件中,中国在韩国动摇了舆论,使韩国蒙受了经济损失,”他说。 “但最终,他们未能让萨德报废,韩国的反华情绪高涨。 还公开重新评估了对韩美的提振。 同盟和韩美日安全合作。”

South Korea, the world’s 10th-largest economy, is a major supplier of semiconductors, automobiles, smartphones and other electronic products. This makes it an attractive partner to both the United States and China.
韩国是世界第 10 大经济体,是半导体、汽车、智能手机和其他电子产品的主要供应国。 这使其成为对美国和中国都有吸引力的合作伙伴。

Unless South Korea “openly pursues an anti-China policy, China will likely continue to stress a message of amity and cooperation with South Korea, rather than pressure, conflict and confrontation,” said Kim, the institute director.

Cooperative relations with China are essential in efforts by Seoul and Washington to convince North Korea to give up its nuclear program. While there are questions about how much influence China has on North Korea, it’s still believed to have the greatest leverage among regional powers because it is North Korea’s last major diplomatic ally and main economic pipeline.
与中国的合作关系对于首尔和华盛顿说服朝鲜放弃其核计划的努力至关重要。 尽管中国对朝鲜有多大影响存在疑问,但仍被认为在地区大国中拥有最大的影响力,因为它是朝鲜的最后一个主要外交盟友和主要经济渠道。

In his meeting with Li on Friday, South Korean National Assembly Speaker Kim Jin Pyo said South Korea hopes that China will play a constructive role with North Korea. Li said he and Kim agreed that establishing peace on the Korean Peninsula through dialogue would serve the interests of both nations.
韩国国会议长金镇表周五在会见栗战书时表示,韩国希望中国对朝鲜发挥建设性作用。 栗战书表示,他和金镇表一致认为,通过对话实现朝鲜半岛和平符合两国利益。














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