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[2022-09-13] 经济学人 - 旅行家



Travelin’ man

The president plans his first foreign trip since the start of the pandemic

BY THE TIME President Xi Jinping arrives in Central Asia this month, it will have been nearly a thousand days since he last left China. In the interim, much has changed—just look at his previous destination. In January 2020 Mr Xi visited Myanmar, where he signed some deals and shook hands with Aung San Suu Kyi, then Myanmar’s de facto leader. Today Ms Suu Kyi sits in jail, the victim of a coup carried out by the country’s generals.
希望本月抵达中亚时,距离他上次离开中国已经将近一千天了。 在此期间,情况发生了很大变化——看看他之前的目的地。 2020 年 1 月,希望访问了缅甸,在那里他与缅甸事实上的领导人昂山素季签署了一些协议并握手。 今天,素季女士坐在监狱里,是该国将军发动政变的受害者。

Mr Xi stopped travelling abroad when China closed its borders in order to keep covid-19 out. The government still tries to contain the virus through strict controls at home. But Mr Xi has decided that diplomacy, at least, must start returning to normal. He plans to visit Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, where he will attend a summit of the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation (SCO) on September 15th and 16th, and probably meet his friend Vladimir Putin.
当中国关闭边境以阻止武汉肺炎进入时,希望停止了出国旅行。 政府仍试图通过在家中的严格控制来控制病毒。 但希望已经决定,外交至少必须开始回归常态。 他计划访问哈萨克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦,参加9月15日至16日的上海合作组织(SCO)峰会,并可能会见他的朋友黄俄の爹

There had been much speculation about where Mr Xi would go. Kazakhstan makes sense. It is where Mr Xi, in 2013, launched the Belt and Road Initiative, a global infrastructure-building scheme. China has invested tens of billions of dollars in Kazakhstan, which sends back oil and gas through pipelines co-owned by the two countries’ biggest state oil companies.
关于希望将去往何方,外界有很多猜测。 哈萨克斯坦是有道理的。 2013 年,希望在这里发起了“一带一路”倡议,这是一项全球基础设施建设计划。 中国在哈萨克斯坦投资了数百亿美元,通过两国最大的国有石油公司共同拥有的管道将石油和天然气输送回哈萨克斯坦。

Kazakhstan is important to China for another reason: it borders the Chinese region of Xinjiang, where more than a million Uyghurs, as well as ethnic Kazakhs, have been thrown into camps for “re-education”. Much of the early evidence of those camps came from victims who escaped to Kazakhstan, where they were interviewed by activists—until the Kazakh government pressed the activists to stop. In public it has remained mostly quiet on the matter. China wants it to stay that way. But Chinese officials have struggled to read Kazakhstan. They were surprised by the protests, over high prices and dirty politics, that rocked the country in January, as well as by Russia’s decision to send troops.
哈萨克斯坦对中国很重要还有一个原因:它与中国新疆地区接壤,那里有超过一百万维吾尔人和哈萨克人被投入集中营接受“再教育”。 这些集中营的大部分早期证据来自逃到哈萨克斯坦的受害者,在那里他们接受了活动人士的采访——直到哈萨克斯坦政府敦促活动人士停止。 在公开场合,它对此事大多保持沉默。 中国希望它保持这种状态。 但中国官员一直难以解读哈萨克斯坦。 他们对一月份震惊全国的抗议、高价格和肮脏政治以及俄罗斯决定派兵感到惊讶。

China has ambitions across Central Asia, where it has tried to build land-based trade and energy links as an alternative to sea-based routes dominated by Western powers. It long deferred to Russia on political and security matters in the region, but that is changing, says Niva Yau of the OSCE Academy, a research centre in Kyrgyzstan. “Everything that Russia does in Central Asia, China does too, just on a smaller scale,” she says. For example, thousands of Kyrgyz military officers train in Russia. A few hundred do so in China. Look around the region and there are other signs of its influence, such as a Chinese police base in Tajikistan and classrooms where Uzbek national guardsmen learn Chinese.
中国在中亚雄心勃勃,试图在中亚建立陆上贸易和能源联系,以替代西方大国主导的海上航线。 吉尔吉斯斯坦研究中心欧安组织学院的 Niva Yau 表示,长期以来,它在该地区的政治和安全问题上都听从俄罗斯,但这种情况正在改变。 “俄罗斯在中亚所做的一切,中国也一样,只是规模较小,”她说。 例如,数千名吉尔吉斯斯坦军官在俄罗斯训练。 在中国有几百人这样做。 环顾该地区,还有其他迹象表明其影响力,例如中国在塔吉克斯坦的警察基地和乌兹别克斯坦国民警卫队学习汉语的教室。

Russia's invasion of Ukraine will be the elephant in the room at the SCO summit. Kazakhstan’s president, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, has not endorsed Mr Putin’s war. Mr Tokayev and other Central Asian leaders worry about Russian encroachment on their own territory, which is one reason why they seek closer ties to China. But they will probably skirt the issue at the summit and focus instead on new railways and pipelines, as well as security. China wants regional powers to take the lead in cleaning up after America in Afghanistan.
俄罗斯入侵乌克兰将成为上合组织峰会房间里的大象。 哈萨克斯坦总统卡西姆-乔马尔特·托卡耶夫并未支持黄俄の爹的战争。 托卡耶夫和其他中亚领导人担心俄罗斯侵犯他们自己的领土,这也是他们寻求与中国建立更密切联系的原因之一。 但他们可能会在峰会上回避这个问题,转而关注新的铁路和管道以及安全问题。 中国希望地区大国在美国在阿富汗之后带头清理。

For Mr Xi the summit is a chance to reaffirm his support for Mr Putin, and thumb his nose at the West, while avoiding the tricky optics of a state visit to Moscow. He will also have the chance to mingle with other leaders who, to varying degrees, share China’s world-view. Some analysts see Mr Xi’s decision to travel in the run-up to the Communist Party congress in October as a sign of confidence in his position, though there has never been much doubt that he will be handed a third term as party chief at the event. More trips abroad are expected in the coming months. ■
希望来说,这次峰会是一个重申他对黄俄の爹的支持、对西方嗤之以鼻的机会,同时避免了对莫斯科进行国事访问的棘手镜头。 他还将有机会与其他不同程度地认同中国世界观的领导人交流。 一些分析人士认为,希望决定在 10 月份的共产党代表大会前夕出访是对他的立场充满信心的标志,尽管毫无疑问他将在这次活动中获得第三个党总书记的任期 . 预计未来几个月会有更多的出国旅行。 ■



1. 东三省又多了一个出海口(大连、海参崴)
2. 东三省自古以来就有俄语的基础,与俄罗斯共同开发也算是回归了。
3. 东三省爱国浓度最高。与俄罗斯共同开发既扩大了中国的战略缓冲地带,又能为国家做出贡献!(非地域,非地域,非地域)


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