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本頁主題: [2022-08-17] 华邮 - 热浪席卷,经济受挫,中国关闭工厂,分配电力 | 祝长者生日快乐!!!!!(动图较多)字體大小 寬屏顯示 只看樓主 最新點評 熱門評論 時間順序

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[2022-08-17] 华邮 - 热浪席卷,经济受挫,中国关闭工厂,分配电力 | 祝长者生日快乐!!!!!(动图较多)


By Eva Dou and Lyric Li
August 16, 2022 at 2:22 a.m. EDT

作者:Eva Dou 和 Lyric Li
美国东部时间 2022 年 8 月 16 日凌晨 2:22

BEIJING — China’s worst heat wave in six decades is deepening the economic pain of pandemic lockdowns, with authorities ordering factories this week to suspend production in several major manufacturing regions to conserve electricity.

Sichuan province, home to more than 80 million people, announced Monday that factories in 19 cities and prefectures would halt operations until Saturday to reserve electricity for “use by the people.” Other areas across China’s south have also ordered electricity to be prioritized to run air conditioners.
拥有超过 8000 万人口的四川省周一宣布,19 个城市和州的工厂将停工至周六,以储备电力供“人民使用”。 中国南方的其他地区也下令优先用电来运行空调。

The factory suspensions reflect how climate change is intensifying China’s economic challenges. Officials have warned that the country is likely to miss its 5.5 percent growth target for the year, as coronavirus lockdowns disrupt trade and normal life.
工厂停工反映了气候变化如何加剧中国的经济挑战。 官员们警告说,由于武汉肺炎封锁扰乱了贸易和正常生活,该国可能无法实现今年 5.5% 的增长目标。

On Tuesday, Jin Xiandong, a spokesman for the National Development and Reform Commission, said China was having to rely more on coal for power because the heat wave and drought were significantly reducing hydropower output.

Fierce heat waves like this summer’s are expected to become increasingly common in China as climate change worsens. Eleven provinces currently have warnings in place for temperatures above 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Chongqing, a self-administered city surrounded by Sichuan province, reached a record 112.1 degrees over the weekend, with highs over 104 degrees forecast to continue for about another week.
随着气候变化的恶化,预计像今年夏天这样的猛烈热浪在中国将变得越来越普遍。 目前有 11 个省份针对 40度以上的温度发出警告。 重庆是一个被四川省包围的自治城市,周末气温达到创纪录的44.5度,预计40度以上的高温还将持续一周左右。

China, the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide, has sought to present itself as a global leader on climate action, touting its shift toward electric vehicles and other measures. But the country has continued to build new coal-fired power plants. This month, Beijing suspended bilateral climate talks with the United States in retaliation for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) trip to Taiwan.
中国是世界上最大的二氧化碳排放国,它试图将自己展示为气候行动的全球领导者,并吹捧其转向电动汽车和其他措施。 但该国仍在继续建设新的燃煤电厂。 本月,北京暂停与美国的双边气候谈判,以报复众议院议长南希·佩洛西(D-Calif.)的台湾之行。


Dangerously high temperatures have left nations around the world struggling this summer, with the dry heat sparking fires in Britain, a power-grid shutdown in Iraq, and more than 1,000 deaths in Portugal. President Biden last month called climate change “an emergency.”
今年夏天,危险的高温让世界各国都在苦苦挣扎,干热在英国引发火灾,伊拉克电网关闭,葡萄牙有 1000 多人死亡。 拜登总统上个月称气候变化为“紧急情况”。

China’s inland Sichuan province has become an international manufacturing hub in recent years because of its lower production costs compared with coastal areas. The region produces and exports items including electronics, furniture and food. State media reported that Sichuan marked its highest single month of electricity consumption on record in July.
与沿海地区相比,中国内陆四川省近年来已成为国际制造业中心,因为其生产成本较低。 该地区生产和出口电子产品、家具和食品等产品。 官方媒体报道称,四川 7 月份的单月用电量创下历史新高。

As the production halt took effect abruptly on Monday, factories were scrambling to figure out the financial effects.

Tongwei Solar, the world’s largest producer of crystalline silicon solar cells, has experienced interruptions at its three production bases in Sichuan, a public relations officer of the company told The Washington Post by telephone, declining to give his name.

“Now we are cooperating with relevant government departments to adjust energy consumption in an orderly way and are still assessing specific impacts,” he said.

Foxconn, a major assembler for Apple, told the China Securities Journal that the “effect would not be large for the company’s operations.” Foxconn produces some Apple products, such as iPads and Macs, in Sichuan.
苹果的主要组装商富士康告诉《中国证券报》,“对公司运营的影响不会很大”。 富士康在四川生产一些苹果产品,例如 iPad 和 Mac。

A fertilizer maker in Sichuan, Lutianhua, issued a notice on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on Monday, saying it expected a $4.4 million hit to net profit because of the production halt.
四川化肥生产商泸天化周一在深交所发布公告称,由于停产,预计净利润将受到 440 万美元的打击。

The high temperatures could continue unabated through the end of the month, according to China’s National Meteorological Center.


China released its latest economic data, for July, on Monday, which showed unemployment rates rising and the economic recovery slowing as new coronavirus outbreaks and the heat wave took their toll. Youth unemployment rose to a record 19.9 percent.
中国周一发布了最新的 7 月经济数据,显示失业率上升,经济复苏放缓,因为新的武汉肺炎爆发和热浪造成了损失。 青年失业率升至创纪录的 19.9%。

Fu Linghui, spokesman for China’s National Bureau of Statistics, said in a news conference on Monday that high temperatures across the south had caused “adverse effects on economic operations.” He also said the pandemic’s effect on companies meant they weren’t able to offer as many jobs to young people as before.
中国国家统计局新闻发言人傅令辉周一在新闻发布会上表示,南方的高温对“经济运行造成不利影响”。 他还表示,武汉肺炎大流行对公司的影响意味着他们无法像以前那样为年轻人提供尽可能多的工作。

“The momentum of economic recovery has slowed down marginally, and the foundation for consolidating economic recovery still needs to be strengthened,” Fu said.

Underlining Beijing’s concerns about the economy, China’s central bank unexpectedly cut a key lending rate this week.

The country’s leaders had hoped for a stronger economic showing this year, ahead of a crucial Chinese Communist Party congress in the fall, where leader Xi Jinping is widely expected to break precedent by staying on for a third term. But Xi made clear in recent months he would not lift China’s “zero covid” policy despite the costs.
中国领导人曾希望今年经济表现更强劲,在今年秋季召开的重要中国共产党全国代表大会之前,外界普遍预计领导人希望将打破先例,继续连任。 但希望最近几个月明确表示,尽管付出了代价,但他不会取消中国的“动态清零”政策。

With foreign tourism still largely suspended, Beijing had encouraged families to take domestic holidays over the summer to shore up consumption. But the uptick in travel resulted in coronavirus outbreaks across the country, leading to lockdowns in some holiday destinations such as the beach resort of Sanya, the Xinjiang capital of Urumqi, and parts of Tibet.
由于外国旅游仍基本暂停,北京已鼓励家庭在夏季度假以提振消费。 但旅行的增加导致全国各地爆发武汉肺炎,导致一些度假胜地被封锁,例如三亚海滩度假胜地、新疆首府乌鲁木齐和西藏部分地区。

China’s policy of putting any close contacts of a covid patient into quarantine is also continuing to disrupt daily life. Videos of shoppers fleeing an Ikea store in Shanghai were shared widely over the weekend, after an announcement that those on-site would be forced into quarantine because a close contact of a covid patient had visited the store.
中国将武汉肺炎患者的任何密切接触者隔离的政策也在继续扰乱日常生活。 购物者逃离上海宜家商店的视频在周末被广泛分享,此前有消息称,由于一名武汉肺炎患者的密切接触者曾到访该店,现场购物者将被强制隔离。


原曲:霍元甲 (周杰伦)






















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