.:. 草榴社區 » 技術討論區 » [2022-08-04] NYT - 受到台湾欢迎的佩洛西, 醒来后却与中国的关系日益紧张 | 附:中国傻逼集锦(含动图)
本頁主題: [2022-08-04] NYT - 受到台湾欢迎的佩洛西, 醒来后却与中国的关系日益紧张 | 附:中国傻逼集锦(含动图)字體大小 寬屏顯示 只看樓主 最新點評 熱門評論 時間順序

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[2022-08-04] NYT - 受到台湾欢迎的佩洛西, 醒来后却与中国的关系日益紧张 | 附:中国傻逼集锦(含动图)


In a high-stakes visit to Taiwan, Ms. Pelosi offered assurances of American support. Taiwan now faces the prospect of Chinese military drills that could violate what it says are its territorial waters.
在对台湾进行高风险访问时,佩洛西女士向美国保证提供支持。 台湾现在面临中国军事演习的前景,这可能会侵犯它所说的其领海。


By Paul Mozur, Amy Chang Chien, John Liu and Chris Buckley
Aug. 3, 2022
Updated 6:18 p.m. EDT

作者:Paul Mozur、Amy Chang Chien、John Liu 和 Chris Buckley
2022 年 8 月 3 日
下午 6 点 18 分更新 美东时间

After weeks of silence ahead of a high-stakes visit to Taiwan, Speaker Nancy Pelosi was anything but understated on Wednesday during a day of high-profile meetings in which she offered support for Taiwan and irked China.

Ms. Pelosi met with Taiwanese lawmakers and then with Taiwan’s president, Tsai Ing-wen, offering full-throated assurances of U.S. support for the island democracy that China claims as its own. In the whirlwind day of events, she was welcomed by crowds of supporters waving banners and followed by media and protesters, her closely tracked meetings and movements streamed partially online.
佩洛西女士会见了台湾立法者,然后会见了台湾总统蔡英文,全力保证美国支持中国声称拥有的岛屿的民主。 在当日一系列的活动中,她受到挥舞横幅的支持者人群的欢迎,媒体和抗议者紧随其后,她密切跟踪的会议和运动部分在网上流传。

In her wake, she set the stage for new brinkmanship between China and the United States over power and influence in Asia. Taiwan is now bracing for Beijing to begin live-fire military drills on Thursday — an escalation without recent historical precedent — that could encircle the island and drop missiles into seas only 10 miles from its coast.
在她身后,她为中美在亚洲的权力和影响力问题上采取新的边缘政策奠定了基础。 台湾现在正准备迎接北京在周四开始实弹军事演习——这是近期史无前例的升级——可能会包围台湾,并将导弹投入距离其海岸仅 10 英里的海域。

“Today the world faces a choice between democracy and autocracy,” Ms. Pelosi said during a meeting with the Taiwanese president. “America’s determination to preserve democracy here in Taiwan and around the world remains ironclad.”
“今天,世界面临民主与专制之间的选择,”佩洛西在与台湾总统会晤时说。 “美国在台湾和世界各地维护民主的决心仍然坚定不移。”

The meetings, though light on substance, were widely welcomed in Taiwan as a symbolic victory. Ms. Pelosi’s trip was a rare moment when a major foreign power publicly showed support for the island in the face of vehement opposition from China. Ms. Pelosi made the trip despite discouragement from President Biden, and was the highest-ranking member of the United States government to visit the island in 25 years.
这些会议虽然内容不多,但在台湾受到广泛欢迎,是象征性的胜利。 佩洛西女士的此行是一个罕见的时刻,面对中国的强烈反对,一个主要外国势力公开表示支持该岛。 佩洛西女士不顾拜登总统的劝阻而出访,是 25 年来访问该岛的美国政府最高级别成员。

The events presented an affront to China and its leader, Xi Jinping.

Mr. Xi has made unifying Taiwan with China a primary goal of his rule, and his defense minister warned in June that Beijing would not hesitate to fight for the island. The Chinese government filed a formal protest with the U.S. State Department over Ms. Pelosi’s visit.
希望将统一台湾与中国作为其统治的主要目标,他的国防部长在 6 月警告称,北京将毫不犹豫地为台湾而战。 中国政府就佩洛西女士的访问向美国国务院提出了正式抗议。

Ms. Pelosi, who headed to South Korea late Wednesday afternoon, offered praise for Taiwan’s leaders and met with human rights activists. At every moment she was conveying an unmistakable message: Beijing can isolate Taiwan, but it cannot stop American leaders from traveling there.
周三下午晚些时候前往韩国的佩洛西女士对台湾领导人表示赞赏,并会见了人权活动人士。 她每时每刻都在传达一个明确无误的信息:北京可以孤立台湾,但不能阻止美国领导人前往台湾。

She also brought economic pledges, calling a trade deal between Taiwan and the United States hopefully imminent and holding a cordial meeting with the chairman of the Taiwan chip giant T.S.M.C. Arguably one of the most geopolitically important companies in the world, T.S.M.C. has been courted by U.S. officials hoping to increase domestic production of microchips.
她还带来了经济承诺,称台美贸易协议有望迫在眉睫,并与台湾芯片巨头台积电董事长亲切会面。 台积电可以说是世界上地缘政治最重要的公司之一。 一直受到希望增加国内微芯片产量的美国官员的追捧。


The trip took place against the backdrop of increasingly heated warnings from Beijing. Along with the military drills, a series of hacks hit Taiwan government websites. China used its status as Taiwan’s largest trading partner to lash out, announcing new trade curbs on Wednesday, including suspensions on imports of some fruit and fish and a ban on exports of sand, a key building material.
此行是在北京发出越来越激烈的警告的背景下进行的。 随着军事演习,一系列黑客攻击台湾政府网站。 中国利用其作为台湾最大贸易伙伴的地位进行猛烈抨击,周三宣布了新的贸易限制措施,包括暂停部分水果和鱼类的进口,以及禁止出口沙子(一种关键的芯片建造材料)。

Ms. Pelosi’s visit may also damage a push by the White House to shore up support against China from key allies in the region who analysts say have felt sidelined by the trip, and frustrated by the spiraling tensions. With much recent attention eaten up by China’s fulminations over the visit, allies suggested that they wish they had been better consulted  ahead of Ms. Pelosi’s journey.
佩洛西女士的访问还可能对白宫推动该地区对抗中国的关键盟友的支持有所伤害,分析人士称,这些盟友因此行而感到被边缘化,并对不断升级的紧张局势感到沮丧。 由于中国对此次访问的猛烈抨击最近引起了很多关注,盟友表示,他们希望在佩洛西女士的旅程之前能更好地与他们协商。

As Ms. Pelosi toured Taipei, the capital, an almost carnival atmosphere followed at times. Hundreds turned out to watch her plane land, Taipei’s tallest building was illuminated with welcome messages, and protesters and supporters crowded around her hotel, and then on Wednesday followed her to the legislature and at a human rights museum.
当佩洛西女士游览首都台北时,不时会出现一种近乎狂欢的气氛。 数百人观看了她的飞机降落,台北最高的建筑被照亮了欢迎信息,抗议者和支持者聚集在她的酒店周围,然后在周三跟随她前往立法机关和人权博物馆。

When Ms. Pelosi arrived at Taiwan’s legislature with a police escort, a group offering support on one side of the building held up banners with messages like “U.S.-Taiwan are brothers” and “I love Pelosi.” A gathering of pro-China demonstrators on the other side held up signs calling her an “arsonist” and accusing her of interfering in China’s internal affairs.
当佩洛西女士在警察护送下抵达台湾立法院时,在大楼一侧提供支持的一群人举起了横幅,上面写着“美台是兄弟”和“我爱佩洛西”等字样。 另一边,一群亲中示威者高举标语,称她为“纵火犯”,指责她干涉中国内政。

China’s live-fire drills in the strait would mark a direct challenge to what Taiwan defines as its coastline and territorial waters. Coordinates for the drills indicated they could take place closer than previous tests during a standoff 26 years ago.
中国在海峡的实弹演习将标志着对台湾定义的海岸线和领海的直接挑战。 演习的坐标表明,在 26 年前的对峙中,演习可能比以前的测试更近。

China’s military warned all boats and airplanes to avoid the areas it identified for 72 hours. Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense said the drills amounted to a blockade. Set to take place in six areas around Taiwan, the drills could temporarily cut access to some commercial shipping lanes and Taiwanese ports.
中国军方警告所有船只和飞机在72小时内避开其确定的区域。 台湾国防部表示,演习相当于封锁。 演习将在台湾周边六个地区进行,可能会暂时切断一些商业航道和台湾港口的通道。

On Wednesday, Hua Chunying, a spokeswoman for the Chinese foreign ministry, said that more reprisals for the United States and Taiwan would follow from Ms. Pelosi’s visit.

“As for the specific countermeasures, what I can tell you is that they’ll include everything that should be included,” Ms. Hua said, according to People’s Daily. “The measures in question will be firm, vigorous and effective, and the U.S. side and Taiwan independence forces will continue feeling them.”
“至于具体的对策,我可以告诉你的是,应该包括的都包括在内,”据人民日报报道,华女士说。 “有关措施将坚定、有力、有效,美方和台独势力将继续感受到。”

For Taiwan, and the United States military, a key question will be whether they obey Beijing’s orders to avoid the zones or test China’s resolve by sending boats and planes into them. Analysts are worried an accidental encounter in the fast-moving situation could spiral out of control.
对于台湾和美国军方来说,一个关键问题将是他们是否服从北京的命令以避开这些区域,或者通过派遣船只和飞机进入这些区域来测试中国的决心。 分析人士担心,在瞬息万变的局势中意外遭遇可能会失控。

The standoff is reminiscent of an incident in 1995 and 1996 called the Third Taiwan Strait Crisis. During that crisis, China fired live ammunition and missiles into the waters around Taiwan to signal its anger over a trip by President Lee Teng-hui to the United States and to raise pressure ahead of a presidential election. The United States, in response, sent two aircraft carrier groups to the area.
这种对峙让人想起 1995 年和 1996 年发生的被称为第三次台海危机的事件。 在那次危机中,中国向台湾周边海域发射实弹和导弹,以表达对李登辉总统访问美国的愤怒,并在总统大选前施加压力。 作为回应,美国向该地区派遣了两个航空母舰群。

Much has changed since then. China’s military is more powerful and more emboldened under Xi Jinping. This summer, Chinese officials strongly asserted that no part of the Taiwan Strait could be considered international waters, meaning they might move to intercept and block U.S. warships sailing through the area, one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world.
从那以后发生了很多变化。 在希望的领导下,中国军队更加强大、更加有底气。 今年夏天,中国官员强烈声称台湾海峡的任何部分都不能被视为国际水域,这意味着他们可能会采取行动拦截和阻止美国军舰在该地区航行,该地区是世界上最繁忙的航道之一。

Within China, Beijing’s irate response found plenty of support among Chinese. The question for many posting online seemed to be whether the military exercises would sound a loud enough warning. Many wondered whether the lack of a response thus far would embolden Taiwan to formally seek independence.
在中国国内,北京的愤怒反应得到了很多中国人的支持。 许多在线发布的问题似乎是军事演习是否会发出足够响亮的警告。 许多人想知道迄今为止缺乏回应是否会鼓励台湾正式寻求独立。

“Pelosi has inaugurated a great era that naturally belongs to us,” said one widely shared comment on Weibo, a social media service. “We will take this opportunity to carry out sea and air patrols around Taiwan without any hindrance so they steadily become normalized, and unification will draw closer and closer.”
“佩洛西开启了一个自然属于我们的伟大时代,”社交媒体服务微博上一位广为流传的评论说。 “我们将以此为契机,在台湾周边开展海空巡逻,畅通无阻,逐步常态化,统一越来越近。”

In Taiwan, jubilance stood alongside anxiety over what could be the riskiest military standoff with China in a generation. On Taiwanese social media, some posted pictures of China’s military exercises and expressed concern. Eric Liu, a sales manager at a food company in central Taiwan, said he felt both exhilaration and worry.
在台湾,对这可能是一代人以来与中国最危险的军事对峙的焦虑与欣喜并存。 在台湾社交媒体上,一些人发布了中国军演的照片并表达了担忧。 台湾中部一家食品公司的销售经理 Eric Liu 表示,他感到既兴奋又担心。

“It’s unprecedented for Taiwan and my generation of Taiwanese,” Mr. Liu, 26, said in an interview. “I felt quite excited, and also sensed the danger.”
“这对台湾和我这一代台湾人来说是前所未有的,”26 岁的刘先生在接受采访时说。 “我感到很兴奋,也感觉到了危险。”

“I believe a war in the Taiwan Strait is inevitable, but I don’t want to see it happen anytime soon,” he added.


During the morning’s meeting with Taiwan legislators, Ms. Pelosi praised Taiwan’s record in dealing with Covid-19, human rights and climate issues, according to Lo Chih-cheng, a Democratic Progressive Party lawmaker who attended.

“Under China’s threats and warnings, her visit shows that the United States will not bow to China’s intimidation and has decided to stand with Taiwan,” he said. “She decided to stand with the allies of democracy.”
“在中国的威胁和警告下,她的访问表明美国不会屈服于中国的恐吓,并决定与台湾站在一起,”他说。 “她决定与民主盟友站在一起。”

Ms. Pelosi’s afternoon schedule made that particularly clear.

The speaker went to Taiwan’s National Human Rights Museum, where she met with a group of activists and civil society leaders China views as a rogues’ gallery. They included a former Tiananmen protest student leader, a former political prisoner in China, a Tibetan activist and a Hong Kong bookseller.
演讲者去了台湾的国家人权博物馆,在那里她会见了一群被中国视为流氓画廊的活动人士和民间社会领袖。 他们包括一名前天安门抗议学生领袖、一名前中国政治犯、一名西藏活动家和一名香港书商。

Kalsang Gyaltsen, the Tibetan activist, said those at the meeting had told Ms. Pelosi of China’s deteriorating human rights situation and received support. “Discussing human rights in Taiwan is the biggest slap to a country like China that lacks human rights,” he said.
西藏活动人士格桑坚赞说,参加会议的人向佩洛西女士讲述了中国日益恶化的人权状况,并得到了支持。 “在台湾讨论人权问题,是对中国这样一个缺乏人权的国家最大的一记耳光,”他说。

The visit, and the global attention it received, he said, made clear the failure of China’s acerbic, attention-seeking diplomats, who have in recent years taken to social media en masse to echo Chinese government propaganda points.

Chiu Ta, a retired art history professor, waited outside the museum for Ms. Pelosi’s arrival. The 91-year-old noted that the venue had been a detention center for political dissidents during Taiwan’s long years of martial law.
退休的艺术史教授邱达在博物馆外等候佩洛西女士的到来。 这位 91 岁的老人指出,在台湾长期戒严期间,该场地曾是持不同政见者的拘留中心。

Pointing out that many who had been political prisoners in Taiwan became government officials after Taiwan’s democratic transition, he said he had deep empathy for many in China.

“Those persecuted by the Communist Party are Taiwan’s friends,” he said.






















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