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[2022-08-03] 南希佩罗西署名文章:为什么我要率国会代表团访问台湾


Opinion  Nancy Pelosi: Why I’m leading a congressional delegation to Taiwan
By Nancy Pelosi
August 2, 2022 at 10:52 a.m. EDT

美国东部时间 2022 年 8 月 2 日上午 10:52


Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat from California, is speaker of the House of Representatives.

Some 43 years ago, the United States Congress overwhelmingly passed — and President Jimmy Carter signed into law — the Taiwan Relations Act, one of the most important pillars of U.S. foreign policy in the Asia Pacific.
大约 43 年前,美国国会以压倒多数通过——吉米·卡特总统签署成为法律——《台湾关系法》,这是美国在亚太地区外交政策最重要的支柱之一。

The Taiwan Relations Act set out America’s commitment to a democratic Taiwan, providing the framework for an economic and diplomatic relationship that would quickly flourish into a key partnership. It fostered a deep friendship rooted in shared interests and values: self-determination and self-government, democracy and freedom, human dignity and human rights.
《台湾关系法》阐明了美国对民主台湾的承诺,为迅速发展成为关键伙伴关系的经济和外交关系提供了框架。 它培养了根植于共同利益和价值观的深厚友谊:自决和自治、民主和自由、人的尊严和人权。

And it made a solemn vow by the United States to support the defense of Taiwan: “to consider any effort to determine the future of Taiwan by other than peaceful means … a threat to the peace and security of the Western Pacific area and of grave concern to the United States.”
并郑重宣誓美国支持台湾的防御:“考虑以非和平方式决定台湾未来的任何努力……对西太平洋地区的和平与安全构成威胁并引起严重关切 去美国。”

Today, America must remember that vow. We must stand by Taiwan, which is an island of resilience. Taiwan is a leader in governance: currently, in addressing the covid-19 pandemic and championing environmental conservation and climate action. It is a leader in peace, security and economic dynamism: with an entrepreneurial spirit, culture of innovation and technological prowess that are envies of the world.
今天,美国必须记住这一誓言。 我们必须支持台湾,这是一个有韧性的岛屿。 目前台湾在应对武汉肺炎大流行和倡导环境保护和气候行动方面处于领先地位。 它是和平、安全和经济活力的领导者:具有世界羡慕的企业家精神、创新文化和技术实力。

Yet, disturbingly, this vibrant, robust democracy — named one of the freest in the world by Freedom House and proudly led by a woman, President Tsai Ing-wen — is under threat.

In recent years, Beijing has dramatically intensified tensions with Taiwan. The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has ramped up patrols of bombers, fighter jets and surveillance aircraft near and even over Taiwan’s air defense zone, leading the U.S. Defense Department to conclude that China’s army is “likely preparing for a contingency to unify Taiwan with the PRC by force.”
近年来,北京与台湾的紧张局势急剧加剧。 中华人民共和国(PRC)加强了轰炸机、战斗机和侦察机在台湾防空区附近甚至上空的巡逻,这导致美国国防部得出结论,中国军队“可能正在为统一台湾的突发事件做准备” 以武力统一台湾。”

The PRC has also taken the fight into cyberspace, launching scores of attacks on Taiwan government agencies each day. At the same time, Beijing is squeezing Taiwan economically, pressuring global corporations to cut ties with the island, intimidating countries that cooperate with Taiwan, and clamping down on tourism from the PRC.
中国还将战斗带入网络空间,每天对台湾政府机构发动数十次攻击。 与此同时,北京在经济上挤压台湾,向全球企业施压以切断与台湾的联系,恐吓与台湾合作的国家,并压制来自中国的旅游业。

In the face of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) accelerating aggression, our congressional delegation’s visit should be seen as an unequivocal statement that America stands with Taiwan, our democratic partner, as it defends itself and its freedom.

Our visit — one of several congressional delegations to the island — in no way contradicts the long-standing one-China policy, guided by the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, the U.S.-China Joint Communiques and the Six Assurances. The United States continues to oppose unilateral efforts to change the status quo.
我们的访问——作为访问该岛的几个国会代表团之一——绝不与长期奉行的一个中国政策相抵触,该政策以 1979 年《台湾关系法》、美中联合公报和六项保证为指导。 美国继续反对单方面改变现状的努力。

Our visit is part of our broader trip to the Pacific — including Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Japan — focused on mutual security, economic partnership and democratic governance. Our discussions with our Taiwanese partners will focus on reaffirming our support for the island and promoting our shared interests, including advancing a free and open Indo-Pacific region. America’s solidarity with Taiwan is more important today than ever — not only to the 23 million people of the island but also to millions of others oppressed and menaced by the PRC.
我们的访问是我们更广泛的太平洋之旅的一部分——包括新加坡、马来西亚、韩国和日本——重点关注共同安全、经济伙伴关系和民主治理。 我们与台湾伙伴的讨论将集中在重申我们对台湾的支持和促进我们的共同利益,包括推进自由和开放的印太地区。 今天,美国与台湾的团结比以往任何时候都更加重要——不仅对岛上的 2300 万人民,而且对数百万受到中华人民共和国压迫和威胁的人也是如此。

Thirty years ago, I traveled in a bipartisan congressional delegation to China, where, in Tiananmen Square, we unfurled a black-and-white banner that read, “To those who died for democracy in China.” Uniformed police pursued us as we left the square. Since then, Beijing’s abysmal human rights record and disregard for the rule of law continue, as President Xi Jinping tightens his grip on power.
30 年前,我作为一个两党国会代表团前往中国,在天安门广场,我们展开了一面黑白横幅,上面写着“致那些为中国民主而死的人”。 我们离开广场时,身穿制服的警察追着我们。 自那以后,随着希望主席加强对权力的控制,北京糟糕的人权记录和无视法治的状况继续存在。

The CCP’s brutal crackdown against Hong Kong’s political freedoms and human rights — even arresting Catholic Cardinal Joseph Zen — cast the promises of “one-country, two-systems” into the dustbin. In Tibet, the CCP has long led a campaign to erase the Tibetan people’s language, culture, religion and identity. In Xinjiang, Beijing is perpetrating genocide against Muslim Uyghurs and other minorities. And throughout the mainland, the CCP continues to target and arrest activists, religious-freedom leaders and others who dare to defy the regime.
中共对香港政治自由和人权的残酷镇压——甚至逮捕了天主教红衣主教约瑟夫·陈——将“一国两制”的承诺扔进了垃圾箱。 在西藏,中共长期以来一直领导一场运动,抹杀西藏人民的语言、文化、宗教和身份。 在新疆,北京正在对穆斯林维吾尔人和其他少数民族实施种族灭绝。 在整个大陆,中共继续针对和逮捕敢于反抗政权的活动人士、宗教自由领袖和其他人。

We cannot stand by as the CCP proceeds to threaten Taiwan — and democracy itself.

Indeed, we take this trip at a time when the world faces a choice between autocracy and democracy. As Russia wages its premeditated, illegal war against Ukraine, killing thousands of innocents — even children — it is essential that America and our allies make clear that we never give in to autocrats.
事实上,我们这次旅行正值世界面临在专制和民主之间做出选择的时候。 随着俄罗斯对乌克兰发动有预谋的非法战争,杀死了成千上万的无辜者——甚至是儿童——美国和我们的盟友必须明确表示我们永远不会向独裁者屈服。

When I led a congressional delegation to Kyiv in April — the highest-level U.S. visit to the besieged nation — I conveyed to President Volodymyr Zelensky that we admired his people’s defense of democracy for Ukraine and for democracy worldwide.
当我在 4 月率领一个国会代表团前往基辅——这是美国对被围困国家的最高级别访问时——我向弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基总统转达了我们钦佩他的人民为乌克兰和全世界的民主而捍卫民主。

By traveling to Taiwan, we honor our commitment to democracy: reaffirming that the freedoms of Taiwan — and all democracies — must be respected.













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