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[2022-07-28] Wapo - 尽管有警告,但佩洛西访台将成为其职业生涯的顶峰


By Lisa Mascaro | AP
July 27, 2022 at 7:10 p.m. EDT

丽莎马斯卡罗 | 美联社
2022 年 7 月 27 日晚上 7:10 美东时间


WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi launched her political career being tough on China -- a new congresswoman who dared to unfurl a pro-democracy banner in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square during a 1991 visit with other U.S. lawmakers shortly after the student massacre.
华盛顿——众议院议长南希·佩洛西 (Nancy Pelosi) 对中国强硬的政治生涯——是从在天安门屠杀发生后不久,作为一名国会的新任议员,在1991年和其他美国立法者一起访问时,敢在北京天安门广场举起一面支持民主的旗帜开始的。

More than 30 years later, her interest in traveling to Taiwan presents a powerful diplomatic capstone. It has also contributed to tensions at the highest levels in Washington and Beijing among officials who worry a trip could prove provocative.
30 多年后,她对台湾旅行的兴趣成为了强有力的外交顶峰。 这也加剧了华盛顿和北京高层官员之间的紧张关系,他们担心这次旅行可能会引起挑衅。

As the U.S. balances its high-stakes relations with China, whether Pelosi will lead a delegation trip to Taiwan remains unknown. But what is certain is that Pelosi’s decision will be a defining foreign policy and human rights moment for the U.S. and its highest-ranking lawmaker with a long tenure leading the House.
随着美国平衡与中国的高风险关系,佩洛西是否会率团访问台湾仍是未知数。 但可以肯定的是,佩洛西的决定对于美国及其长期领导众议院的最高级别立法者而言,将是一个决定性的外交政策和人权时刻。

“This is part of who the speaker is,” said Samuel Chu, president of The Campaign for Hong Kong, a Washington-based advocacy organization.
“这就是议长人格的一部分,”总部位于华盛顿的倡导组织香港保卫战的主席塞缪尔·朱(Samuel Chu)说。

“This is not a one-time, one-off publicity stunt,” said Chu, whose father was among those who met with Pelosi and the U.S. lawmakers three decades ago in Hong Kong. “Thirty years later, she’s still connected.”
“这不是一次性的、一次性的宣传噱头,”朱说,他的父亲是 30 年前在香港会见佩洛西和美国立法者的人之一。 “三十年后,她仍然有联系。”

Pelosi declined to disclose Wednesday any update on her plans for Taiwan, reiterating that she does not discuss travel plans, as is the norm, for security reasons. The top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas, confirmed that he was invited to be a part of Pelosi’s bipartisan delegation but is unable to join, though his office said he believes the speaker and other Americans should be able to visit Taiwan.
佩洛西周三拒绝透露她对台湾计划的任何更新,重申出于安全原因,她不会按照惯例讨论旅行计划。 众议院外交事务委员会的最高共和党人、德克萨斯州众议员迈克尔·麦考尔证实,他被邀请参加佩洛西的两党代表团,但无法加入,尽管他的办公室表示,他相信议长和其他美国人应该能够 去台湾旅游。

The Biden administration has declined to publicly weigh in on the rumored visit, though the military is making plans to bolster its security forces in the region to protect her potential travel against any reaction from China. While U.S. officials say they have little fear that Beijing would attack Pelosi’s plane, they are aware that a mishap, misstep or misunderstanding could endanger her safety.
拜登政府拒绝对传闻中的访问公开发表意见,尽管军方正在制定计划加强其在该地区的安全部队,以保护她的潜在旅行免受中国的任何反应。 虽然美国官员表示,他们并不担心北京会袭击佩洛西的飞机,但他们知道,一次意外、失误或误解可能会危及她的安全。

It all comes as President Joe Biden is set to speak Thursday with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping for the first time in four months, and the potential Pelosi trip is looming over the conversation.

“There’s always issues of security,” said John Kirby, a spokesman for the National Security Council, declining Wednesday to talk directly about the speaker’s potential travel.

Not since Republican Newt Gingrich led a delegation to Taiwan 25 years ago has a U.S. House speaker, third in line to the presidency, visited the self-ruling region, which China claims as part of its own and has threatened to forcibly annex in a move the West would view unfavorably.
自从共和党人纽特·金里奇(Newt Gingrich)25年前率团访问台湾以来,还没有一位美国众议院议长、总统第三顺位继承人访问过这个自治地区,中国声称该地区是自己的一部分,并威胁要强行吞并。 西方会不看好。

More than just a visit overseas, Pelosi’s trip would signify a foreign policy thru-line to her long career in Congress as she has increasingly pointed the speaker's gavel outward expanding her job description to include the role of U.S. emissary abroad.

Particularly during the Trump administration, when the former president challenged America’s commitments to its allies, and now alongside Biden, the Democrat Pelosi has presented herself as a world leader on the global stage — visiting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv, Pope Francis at the Vatican, and heads of state around the world.
特别是在特朗普政府期间,前总统挑战美国对其盟友的承诺,而现在与拜登一起,民主党人佩洛西在全球舞台上展示了自己作为世界领袖的形象——在基辅拜访了乌克兰总统泽连斯基,在梵蒂冈拜访了教皇弗朗西斯 ,以及世界各国元首。

“She absolutely has to go,” Gingrich told The Associated Press in an interview Wednesday about Pelosi’s potential trip.

“She has always had a very tough position going back to Tiananmen Square. And this is one of those places where she and I actually sort of agreed,” Gingrich said. “I think for Nancy to back down would be an enormous blow to Taiwan, and it would be a very dangerous signal, trying to appease the Chinese Communists.”
“回到天安门广场,她的处境一直很艰难。 这是她和我实际上达成一致的地方之一,”金里奇说。 “我认为南希退缩对台湾来说是一个巨大的打击,这是一个非常危险的信号,试图安抚中共。”

Pelosi has indicated the value she sees in her potential visit leading a delegation of lawmakers from the U.S.

“It’s important for us to show support for Taiwan,” Pelosi told reporters at her news conference last week.

“None of us has ever said we’re for independence, when it comes to Taiwan. That’s up to Taiwan to decide.”
“在台湾问题上,我们没有人说过我们支持独立。 这要由台湾来决定。”

Pelosi was newly elected to Congress when the tanks rolled in to Tiananmen Square in 1989 against the pro-democracy student protests.
1989 年坦克开进天安门广场反对民主派学生抗议活动时,佩洛西新当选国会议员。

Two years later she joined more veteran lawmakers on the trip when they were briefly detained by police after unfurling the pro-democracy banner that read “To those who died for democracy in China,” trailed by news cameras.

“We’ve been told for two days now that there’s freedom of speech in China,” she said in one video clip at the time.

The trip had a “deep and abiding” impact on Pelosi and became foundational to her style of leadership, Chu said.

Pelosi advocated for human rights in China by working against Beijing in 1993 as it eyed hosting the summer Olympics and she opposed its bid for the 2008 games. Pelosi sought over the years to link China’s trade status with its human rights record, working to ensure China’s entry to the World Trade Organization come with oversight.
佩洛西在 1993 年反对北京举办夏季奥运会时与北京合作,倡导中国的人权,她反对北京申办 2008 年奥运会。 多年来,佩洛西一直试图将中国的贸易地位与其人权记录联系起来,努力确保中国加入世界贸易组织受到监督。

Pelosi has often made physical gestures challenging China, including in 2009 when she hand-delivered a letter to then-President Hu Jintao calling for the release of political prisoners.
佩洛西经常做出挑战中国的肢体动作,包括在 2009 年,她亲手向时任国家主席胡锦涛递交了一封呼吁释放政治犯的信。

“China is a very important country,” she said upon her return days later recognizing the 20th anniversary of Tiananmen Square in a speech in Congress, and outlining the significance of the country’s relationship “in every way” to the U.S.
“中国是一个非常重要的国家,”她几天后回国时在国会发表讲话承认天安门广场 20 周年时说,并概述了中国“在各个方面”与美国的关系的重要性。

“But the size of the economy, the size of the country, and the size of the relationship doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t speak out,” Pelosi said. “I have said that if we don’t speak out about our concerns regarding human rights in China and Tibet, then we lose all moral authority to discuss it about any other country in the world.”
“但经济规模、国家规模和关系规模并不意味着我们不应该说出来,”佩洛西说。 “我说过,如果我们不说出我们对中国和西藏人权的担忧,那么我们就失去了讨论世界上任何其他国家的所有道德权威。”

In Congress, lawmakers of both parties have rallied around Pelosi’s potential visit to Taiwan, viewing the delegation’s trip as an important diplomatic mission as well as an expression of a co-equal branch of the U.S. government.

“I understand all the sensitivities in the world, here’s the one stark fact: If we allow the Chinese to basically tell us who can and cannot visit Taiwan, then Taiwan will be isolated,” said Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “We can’t let the Chinese do that. Now, she’ll have to judge whether or not it makes the best sense at this time.”
“我了解世界上所有的敏感性,这是一个明显的事实:如果我们允许中国人基本上告诉我们谁可以和不能访问台湾,那么台湾将被孤立,”新泽西州民主党参议员鲍勃·梅嫩德斯 (Bob Menendez) 说, 参议院外交关系委员会主席。 “我们不能让中国人这样做。 现在,她必须判断此时是否最有意义。”





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