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[2022-07-27] Wapo - 随着台湾紧张局势的恶化,五角大楼重视中国的军事威胁


Top Biden administration official suggests Beijing is pursuing policy of intimidation as it rewrites regional status quo
By Karoun Demirjian
July 26, 2022 at 7:56 p.m. EDT

2022 年 7 月 26 日晚上 7:56 美东时间


A senior Pentagon official on Tuesday warned of an unprecedented spike in “direct, aggressive, unsafe” behavior by China against U.S. and partner military forces in the skies above the South China Sea, predicting the trend would probably worsen as Beijing works to expand its regional dominance.

Ely Ratner, the Defense Department’s assistant secretary for Indo-Pacific security affairs, characterized the encounters as a campaign of “coercion and harassment” that has escalated dramatically over the past five years. He accused the Chinese military of assorted misconduct, including aircraft intercepts at dangerously close range and the release of objects into the air that could compromise a plane’s engine.
国防部负责印度太平洋安全事务的助理部长伊利·拉特纳(Ely Ratner)将这些遭遇描述为一场“胁迫和骚扰”运动,并在过去五年中急剧升级。 他指责中国军方有各种不当行为,包括在危险的近距离拦截飞机,以及向空中释放可能危及飞机发动机的物体。

The flurry of activity “looks like a pattern and a policy,” Ratner said, “and not just a decision by an individual pilot.”

Ratner’s remarks, made during a conference in Washington organized by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, marked the latest in a series of pointed statements from the Biden administration underscoring the erosion of U.S.-China relations. Last month, speaking at the Shangri La Dialogue, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin also warned that China’s moves toward regional dominance were becoming more “coercive and aggressive.”
拉特纳的讲话是在战略与国际研究中心在华盛顿组织的一次会议上发表的,这是拜登政府强调美中关系恶化的一系列尖锐声明中的最新一篇。 上个月,美国国防部长劳埃德·奥斯汀在香格里拉对话会上也警告称,中国走向地区主导地位的举措正变得更加“胁迫和咄咄逼人”。

A focal point is Washington’s material support for Taiwan, including of its defense sector, and looming suspicion that Beijing, emboldened by Russia’s attempted conquest of Ukraine, intends to move militarily against the government in Taipei.

The Chinese Embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

China, Ratner said, is using “military intimidation and force” in a bid to disrupt the region’s status quo. It’s a marked departure from Beijing’s long-practiced strategy of securing assets and influence through economic and diplomatic coercion, he said.
拉特纳说,中国正在使用“军事恐吓和武力”来破坏该地区的现状。 他说,这明显背离了北京长期以来通过经济和外交胁迫来确保资产和影响力的战略。

By and large, the trend has been observed mostly in the air, Ratner said, noting that he expects that could change.

“We haven’t seen a similar trend on the water yet, but my suspicion would be that’s coming,” he added. The United States, he said, has no intention of scaling back “freedom of navigation operations,” in which naval vessels pass through international waters in the region. He called the patrols “critical to enforcing the rules-based international order.”
“我们还没有在水上看到类似的趋势,但我怀疑这种趋势即将到来,”他补充道。 他说,美国无意缩减海军舰艇通过该地区国际水域的“航行自由行动”。 他称巡逻“对于执行基于规则的国际秩序至关重要”。


In recent months, Canada and Australia both have accused Beijing of dangerous maneuvers to intimidate their pilots during routine flights. U.S. officials have not disclosed many more details to buttress their claims, Ratner acknowledged, saying he was working to declassify the data on China’s recent intercepts to illustrate the trend more substantively.
近几个月来,加拿大和澳大利亚都指责北京在例行飞行中采取危险行动恐吓飞行员。 拉特纳承认,美国官员尚未披露更多细节来支持他们的说法,并表示他正在努力解密中国最近截获的数据,以更实质性地说明这一趋势。

Some in Washington see a growing urgency around the issue, particularly in light of the complexities underpinning the United States’ relationship with Taiwan.

Washington’s approach has been governed since 1979 by the Taiwan Relations Act, which states in part that U.S. policy is to provide Taiwan with defensive arms and help to maintain its ability to resist any threat to its security — without expressly committing to come to the island’s defense should China attack. The administration has taken pains to preserve that strategic ambiguity, pulling back on President Biden’s recent statements that the United States would respond “militarily” should Beijing attempt to seize control of the island.
自 1979 年以来,华盛顿的做法一直受《台湾关系法》的约束,该法案部分规定,美国的政策是向台湾提供防御性武器,并帮助其保持抵御对其安全的任何威胁的能力——但没有明确承诺如果中国武统,美国会保卫台湾 。 政府一直在努力保持这种战略上的模糊性,还撤回了拜登总统最近发表的声明,即如果北京试图夺取对该岛的控制权,美国将做出“军事”回应。

Tensions spiked this month after Beijing threatened consequences if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) followed through with a visit to Taiwan in August, pledging to take “strong measures” in response. Though delegations of lawmakers make trips to Taiwan periodically, Pelosi would be the first House speaker to make such a visit since Newt Gingrich in 1997.
北京威胁如果众议院议长南希·佩洛西(加利福尼亚州民主党)敢在 8 月访问台湾,承诺将采取“强有力的措施”作为回应,地区紧张局势在本月加剧。 尽管立法者代表团定期访问台湾,但佩洛西将是自 1997 年纽特·金里奇以来第一位访问台湾的众议院议长。

Biden said last week that “the military thinks it’s not a good idea right now” for Pelosi to visit Taiwan, fearing Beijing could use the VIP visit — as speaker, she is third in line for the presidency — to ignite a wider conflict.

Pelosi has appeared undeterred, however, and has received uncommon support from Republicans, including former president Donald Trump’s last Senate-confirmed defense secretary, who during a speaking engagement Tuesday played down China’s rhetoric in response to Pelosi’s planned visit and warned that allowing “another country to dictate where U.S. officials travel” would set a poor precedent.

“We should not take all these declarations and proclamations from Beijing too seriously,” Mark T. Esper said. “Do we honestly think they’re going to start a war or do something because the speaker of the House travels to Taipei? … If we allow Beijing to start dictating who can or cannot travel, then where does that end?”
“我们不应该把北京的所有这些声明和宣言看得太认真,”马克·T·埃斯珀说。 “我们真的认为他们会因为众议院议长前往台北而发动战争或采取什么行动吗? ......如果我们让北京开始规定谁可以或不能旅行,那将在哪里结束?”

White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters Tuesday that Biden expects to speak this week with Chinese President Xi Jinping. The two leaders, he said, would probably discuss Taiwan, Ukraine and how the countries are managing economic competition.
白宫国家安全委员会发言人约翰·柯比周二告诉记者,拜登预计本周将与中国国家主席希望交谈。 他说,两位领导人可能会讨论台湾、乌克兰以及这些国家如何管理经济竞争。

Biden, Kirby said, “wants to make sure that the lines of communication with President Xi on all the issues — whether they’re issues we agree on, or issues where we have significant difficulties — that they can still pick up the phone and talk to one another candidly and forthrightly.”
柯比说,拜登“希望确保与希望在所有问题上的沟通渠道——无论是我们达成共识的问题,还是我们遇到重大困难的问题——他们仍然可以拿起电话交谈 坦诚而坦率地互相交流。”

Anxiety over when and how Beijing might force a functional reunification of Taiwan with mainland China also is helping to drive initiatives to make the United States less dependent on exports from the island.

On Tuesday, the Senate advanced a bill that would direct $52 billion toward subsidizing production of semiconductors. The United States is largely dependent on Taiwanese exports for the chips that are integral to the functioning of electronic and computing equipment, and has lagged behind China in investing in a homegrown industry.
周二,参议院提出了一项将 520 亿美元用于补贴半导体生产的法案。 美国在很大程度上依赖台湾出口的芯片,这些芯片是电子和计算设备功能不可或缺的一部分,并且在投资本土产业方面落后于中国。

The legislation is expected to secure enough votes in the Senate and House to be signed into law.


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