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[2022-07-11] 中国红狼们的又一次伟大胜利


Japan’s ruling party secures big election win in the aftermath of Abe’s killing
By Michelle Ye Hee Lee and Julia Mio Inuma

作者:Michelle Ye Hee Lee 和 Julia Mio Inuma


TOKYO — Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party, or LDP, and its coalition partners will secure a two-thirds supermajority in the nation’s parliament according to projections from Sunday’s election, a powerful showing possibly bolstered by extra support following the assassination Friday of its onetime leader and policy architect, former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
东京——根据周日选举的预测,首相岸田文雄领导的执政党自民党 (LDP) 及其联盟伙伴将在全国议会中获得三分之二的绝对多数席位,尤其继曾任领导人和政策制定者、前首相安倍晋三周五遇刺之后,更是获得更多的支持。

The overwhelming victory could usher in at least three years of political stability for Kishida. It would clear the way for him to enact some of the party’s most controversial goals, including increasing defense spending and pursuing Abe’s long-running desire to amend Japan’s pacifist postwar constitution so that Japan can become a stronger global military power.
压倒性的胜利可能会为岸田带来至少三年的政治稳定。 这将为他制定党内一些最具争议性的目标扫清道路,包括增加国防开支和追求安倍长期以来修改日本战后和平宪法的愿望,以便让日本成为一个更强大的全球军事强国。

“When they get ahold of these ‘golden three years’ the focus will be on what the Kishida administration will hammer out,” said Yu Uchiyama, Japanese politics professor at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. “If the Kishida administration can come up with policies that appeal to the people, there is a strong possibility that the administration will last long-term.”
东京大学艺术与科学研究生院日本政治学教授 Yu Uchiyama 说:“当他们掌握这‘黄金三年’时,重点将是岸田政府将敲定什么。” “如果岸田政府能够提出吸引民众的政策,政府很可能会长期存在。”

After Sunday’s election, the LDP, the Komeito party and their coalition partners will have 170 seats in Japan’s upper chamber, the House of Councillors, for a majority of about 70 percent. It was the LDP’s strongest showing since 2013. Elections are held for half of the upper house seats every three years and the coalition already has a supermajority in Japan’s lower house.
在周日的选举之后,自民党、公明党及其联盟伙伴将在日本上议院参议院拥有 170 个席位,占大约 70% 的多数席位。 这是自民党自 2013 年以来最强劲的表现。每三年举行一次选举,有一半的上议院席位举行,该联盟已经在日本下议院拥有绝对多数席位。

A two-thirds supermajority is required for a constitutional revision, which the LDP said it would make a priority.

“The election, which is the foundation of democracy, was challenged by violence and it carries a big meaning that the election was carried through,” said Kishida, referring to Abe. “I will continue to work hard to protect democracy.”
“作为民主基础的选举受到暴力的挑战,选举得以通过具有重大意义,”岸田在谈到安倍时说。 “我将继续努力保护民主。”

“We want to further the debate on constitutional revision, so that we would be able to carry forward with the draft proposal” in the parliament, he said in an interview with public broadcaster NHK as votes were counted.
“我们希望进一步讨论关于修宪的辩论,以便我们能够在议会中推进提案草案”,他在计票时接受公共广播公司 NHK 采访时说。

But Kishida faces domestic pressures: a plummeting yen, inflation and energy price hikes. He has yet to release details of a vague economic overhaul plan. Yet the LDP successfully messaged to voters that their woes were the result of external factors — such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine — rather than the LDP’s leadership flaws, experts said.
但岸田面临着国内压力:日元暴跌、通货膨胀和能源价格上涨。 他尚未公布模糊的经济改革计划的细节。 然而,专家表示,自民党成功地向选民传达了他们的困境是外部因素的结果——例如俄罗斯入侵乌克兰——而不是自民党的领导缺陷。

National security weighed heavily on Japanese voters’ minds, polls showed, along with the war, concerns over China’s threats to Taiwan, and North Korea’s developing nuclear program.

Sunday’s election took place as the nation reeled from Abe’s assassination. In Nara, where Abe was killed, a long line of supporters waited throughout the day to show their respects. Before LDP officials counted their votes for the night, they spent a moment of silence in memory of Abe.
周日的选举是在安倍遇刺后全国陷入困境之际举行的。 在安倍遇害的奈良,一长串的支持者一整天都在等待表达他们的敬意。 在自民党官员当晚清点选票之前,他们为安倍默哀片刻。

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced Saturday he would make an unscheduled stop after his meetings with world leaders in Southeast Asia to pay respects to Abe. Blinken is set to depart Bangkok for Tokyo on Sunday night local time. The State Department did not specify which officials Blinken will meet while he is in Tokyo.
美国国务卿布林肯周六宣布,在与东南亚各国领导人会晤后,他将临时赴日向安倍表示敬意。 布林肯将于当地时间周日晚上离开曼谷前往东京。 美国国务院没有具体说明布林肯在东京期间会见哪些官员。

Kei Sato, the Liberal Democratic Party politician from Nara for whom Shinzo Abe was stumping on Friday when he was shot and killed, won reelection. He said he will pay respects to Abe at the wake on Monday and deliver the news of his victory.
周五,安倍晋三被枪杀时,奈良自民党政治家佐藤圭赢得了连任。 他说他将在周一的守夜仪式上向安倍表示敬意,并传达他获胜的消息。

The man accused of assassinating Abe on Friday, 41-year-old Tetsuya Yamagami of Nara, told investigators he believed that Abe was linked to a religious group he blamed for his mother’s financial woes. Japanese media, citing police sources, subsequently reported that Yamagami told investigators that it was a religious group to which his mother donated money. Yamagami told investigators that his mother had become bankrupt after the donations, according to the Japanese newspaper Mainichi Shimbun, which cited police sources. He said his family fell apart because of his mother’s obsession with the group, and he targeted Abe “out of resentment,” the newspaper reported.
周五被指控暗杀安倍的男子、奈良市 41 岁的 Tetsuya Yamagami 告诉调查人员,他认为安倍与一个宗教团体有关,他将其归咎于他母亲的经济困境。 日本媒体随后援引警方消息称,山神告诉调查人员,这是一个宗教团体,他的母亲向其捐款。 据日本报纸每日新闻援引警方消息称,山上告诉调查人员,他的母亲在捐款后已经破产。 据该报报道,他说他的家庭因母亲对这个团体的痴迷而分崩离析,他“出于怨恨”瞄准了安倍。

Japanese news reports said Tetsuya Yamagami had wanted to kill the leader of a religious group that investigators declined to name. He decided to target Abe instead, police said.
日本新闻报道称,山神哲也想要杀死一个宗教团体的领袖,调查人员拒绝透露姓名。 警方表示,他决定改为针对安倍晋三。

On Sunday, a Tokyo-based representative of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, which in Japan was formerly named the Japan Unification Church, confirmed that the man’s mother is a member. The suspect’s mother remains a member but has not shown up to recent gatherings, said the representative, who was reached at the Tokyo office phone number but refused to be named, citing privacy reasons amid the ongoing criminal investigation. Police have declined to name the religious organization cited by the suspect. And it was not known whether the mother belonged to other religious organizations.
周日,日本前身为日本统一教会的世界和平与统一家庭联合会驻东京代表证实,该男子的母亲是一名成员。 这名代表说,嫌疑人的母亲仍然是一名成员,但没有出现在最近的聚会上,东京办事处的电话号码联系到了她,但拒绝透露姓名,理由是正在进行的刑事调查中的隐私原因。 警方拒绝透露嫌疑人所指的宗教组织的名称。 不知道这位母亲是否属于其他宗教组织。

The church representative contacted by The Washington Post Sunday said that he did not have information about the mother’s donations, and that the organization is reviewing donations she may have made to the Nara branch. The Nara branch and the Nara police could not immediately be reached by phone on Sunday. The church official identified the suspect’s mother as Yoko Yamagami.
《华盛顿邮报》周日联系的教会代表表示,他没有关于这位母亲捐款的信息,该组织正在审查她可能向奈良分会所做的捐款。 周日无法立即通过电话联系到奈良分部和奈良警方。 教会官员确认嫌疑人的母亲是山上洋子。

The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification is now controlled by the widow of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

The U.S. office of the Unification Church said in a statement Saturday that the group condemned the violence and that “guns have no place in our religious beliefs or practices.”

“The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (commonly known as the “Unification Church”) would like to express our shock and grief over the assassination of the former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family in the wake of this tragedy,” the statement read.
“世界和平与统一家庭联合会(俗称“统一教会”)对日本前首相安倍晋三遇刺表示震惊和悲痛。 在这场悲剧发生后,我们的思念和祈祷与他的家人同在,”声明中写道。

Abe, like many other world leaders including former U.S. president Donald Trump, appeared at Unification Church-related events as a paid speaker. Most recently, he spoke on a September 2021 program via video link.
与包括美国前总统唐纳德特朗普在内的许多其他世界领导人一样,安倍以付费演讲者的身份出现在与统一教会相关的活动中。 最近的一次露面是他通过视频链接在 2021 年 9 月的一个节目中发表了讲话。

The Unification Church is among many relatively new religions that are active in Japan. The organization’s members have provided a reliable base of staunchly conservative voters for the LDP, said Jeffrey J. Hall, an expert on nationalist activism at the Kanda University of International Studies.
统一教会是在日本活跃的许多相对较新的宗教之一。 神田国际研究大学民族主义激进主义专家杰弗里·霍尔 (Jeffrey J. Hall) 说,该组织的成员为自民党提供了坚定的保守选民的可靠基础。

“They’re not the only bloc of voters who are religious and conservative voting for the LDP, but they are one of them,” Hall said.

The LDP headquarters could not immediately be reached by phone on Sunday.

A police investigation is underway into the suspect’s motives, the homemade weapon he allegedly used, and the security protocols in place at the Nara event. But the official’s confirmation Sunday added another piece to the puzzle that is coming together in the aftermath of Abe’s assassination at Friday’s campaign event in Nara, east of Osaka, which rocked a country where gun violence is almost unheard of.
警方正在调查嫌疑人的动机、他使用的自制武器以及奈良事件中的安全协议。 但教会官方周日的确认为周五在大阪东部奈良举行的竞选活动中安倍被暗杀后的谜团又增添了另一块,这震惊了一个枪支暴力几乎闻所未闻的国家。

John Hudson in Bangkok contributed to this report.
曼谷的 John Hudson 为本报告做出了贡献。

























[ 此貼被无能小学生在2022-07-11 08:47重新編輯 ]

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