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本頁主題: [2022-07-10] NYT - 布林肯就乌克兰问题向中国最高外交官施压,但强调合作 | 郭庆越,你要的图我找到了!字體大小 寬屏顯示 只看樓主 最新點評 熱門評論 時間順序

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[2022-07-10] NYT - 布林肯就乌克兰问题向中国最高外交官施压,但强调合作 | 郭庆越,你要的图我找到了!


Blinken Presses China’s Top Diplomat on Ukraine but Stresses Cooperation
At a G20 meeting, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken sought to cool tensions with Beijing in an effort to further isolate Russia. He met resistance.

在 G20 会议上,国务卿安东尼·J·布林肯 (Antony J. Blinken) 试图缓和与北京的紧张关系,以进一步孤立俄罗斯。 他遇到了阻力。

By Michael Crowley, Steven Erlanger and Catherine Porter
July 9, 2022
Updated 4:19 p.m. EDT

2022 年 7 月 9 日
下午 4 点 19 分更新 美东时间


NUSA DUA, Indonesia — The battle in Ukraine shifted to a geopolitical front on Saturday, as Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken met with the Chinese foreign minister at the end of a Group of 20 summit in Indonesia, pressing him to change positions and join the United States and partners to “stand up” against Russia’s war, while also trying to ease overall tensions with Beijing.
印度尼西亚努沙杜瓦——周六,乌克兰的战斗转向地缘政治战线,国务卿安东尼·J·布林肯 (Antony J. Blinken) 在印度尼西亚举行的 20 国集团峰会结束时会见了中国外交部长,敦促他改变立场并和美国及合作伙伴一样“挺身而出”反对俄罗斯的战争,同时还要努力缓和与北京的整体紧张局势。

The meeting was a test of the Biden administration’s attempt to pursue conflicting foreign policy goals. One objective is shore up alliances to constrain China; just over a week ago, it successfully pushed for a NATO mission statement to include a sharp rebuke of China, labeling its policies “coercive,” its cyberoperations “malicious” and its rhetoric “confrontational.”
这次会议是对拜登政府追求相互冲突的外交政策目标的一次考验。 一个目标是加强联盟以限制中国; 就在一个多星期前,它成功推动了一份北约使命声明,其中包括对中国的严厉谴责,称其政策为“胁迫性”,其网络行动“恶意”,其言论“对抗性”。

But it is also trying to assemble a global effort to punish Moscow for its aggression in Ukraine — a goal that has little chance of success without cooperation from China foremost, but also from countries like India, Brazil and Saudi Arabia.


During the five-hour meeting, held on the Indonesian resort island of Bali one day after the summit of G20 foreign ministers, Mr. Blinken emphasized issues of shared interest with Beijing, including climate change and global health, while stressing the American concern with China’s alignment with Russia. It followed months of American warnings to China against sending weapons to Russia or helping Moscow evade Western sanctions imposed in response to the invasion of Ukraine.
在 G20 外长峰会一天后在印度尼西亚度假胜地巴厘岛举行的五小时会议上,布林肯先生强调了与北京共同关心的问题,包括气候变化和全球健康,同时强调美国对中国与俄罗斯结盟的关切。 此前数月,美国警告中国不要向俄罗斯运送武器或帮助莫斯科逃避西方因其入侵乌克兰而实施的制裁。

Speaking to reporters afterward, Mr. Blinken dismissed China’s claims to be neutral in the war between Russia and Ukraine as implausible. “I tried to convey to the state councilor that this really is a moment where we all have to stand up” to condemn Russian aggression, Mr. Blinken said, using the formal title for China’s foreign minister, Wang Yi.
布林肯随后对记者发表讲话,认为中国声称在俄罗斯和乌克兰之间的战争中保持中立是不可信的。 “我试图向国务委员传达,这是我们所有人都必须挺身而出的时刻”,以谴责俄罗斯的侵略,布林肯先生使用中国外交部长王毅的正式头衔说。

“I would start with the proposition that it’s pretty hard to be neutral when it comes to this aggression,” Mr. Blinken said, pointing out that China’s leader, Xi Jinping, had stood by his declaration in February of a partnership with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, and had even held a joint strategic bomber exercise in May.
“我首先要提出这样一个主张,即在涉及到这种侵略时保持中立是相当困难的,”布林肯说,并指出中国领导人希望在 2 月份坚持与俄罗斯总统黄俄の爹建立伙伴关系的声明,甚至在5月份举行了联合战略轰炸机演习。

“There’s a clear aggressor. There’s a clear victim.”
“有一个明显是侵略者。 有一个明显是受害者。”


Mr. Wang responded sharply to Mr. Blinken’s statements, urging the United States to refrain from attacking China’s political system and recycling Cold War-era strategies of containment, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s readout of the meeting. He also called on Washington to remove tariffs on Chinese products and to stop imposing sanctions on Chinese companies.
根据中国外交部对会议的宣读,王毅对布林肯的言论做出了尖锐回应,敦促美国不要攻击中国的政治制度,不要重复冷战时期的遏制战略。 他还呼吁华盛顿取消对中国产品的关税,并停止对中国公司实施制裁。

“Many people thus believe that the United States suffers from a growing ‘China phobia,’” Mr. Wang said, echoing the Kremlin’s frequent complaints about “Russophobia.” “If this ‘expanding threat’ concept is allowed to keep growing, the United States’ China policy will soon become an inescapable dead end.”
“因此,许多人认为美国的‘中国恐惧症’日益严重,”王先生说,这与克里姆林宫对“俄罗斯恐惧症”的频繁抱怨相呼应。 “如果任由这种‘扩大威胁’的概念继续发展下去,美国的对华政策很快就会成为一条不可回避的死胡同。”

The tête-à-tête followed the gathering of foreign ministers from the Group of 20 industrialized nations that ended without a traditional communiqué, reflecting the apparent impossibility of reaching a consensus amid the war in Ukraine. At two points in the sessions, when Russia came under sharp criticism for its attack on its neighbor, Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, left abruptly, according to officials, and then departed the gathering before its conclusion.
在没有传统公报的情况下结束的 20 国集团(G20)外长会面之后,这表明在乌克兰战争中达成共识显然是不可能的。 据官员称,在会议的两个时间点,当俄罗斯因其对其邻国的攻击而受到严厉批评时,据官方援引,俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖·V·拉夫罗夫在会议结束前突然离开。

However, Mr. Lavrov sat down with several ministers from nations that have declined to join the Western-led coalition against his country, including China, India, Brazil, Turkey, Argentina and Indonesia, putting into sharp relief the Biden administration’s challenge to isolate the country and highlighting Russia’s continued success at conducting business with the outside world and funding its relentless war machine.
然而,拉夫罗夫先生与来自拒绝加入以西方为首的反对他的国家的联盟的国家的几位部长坐了下来,这些国家包括中国、印度、巴西、土耳其、阿根廷和印度尼西亚,这大大缓解了拜登政府孤立美国的挑战。 并强调俄罗斯在与外界开展业务和为其无情的战争机器提供资金方面的持续成功。


Mr. Lavrov had good reasons to sit down with those countries, as they offer Russia’s best hope to avoid isolation. As Washington tries to put more emphasis on China and its relationship with Russia, large parts of the world are simply trying to stay out of the way.
拉夫罗夫先生有充分的理由与这些国家坐下来,因为它们为俄罗斯提供了避免孤立的最大希望。 随着华盛顿试图更加强调中国及其与俄罗斯的关系,世界上大部分地区只是试图置身事外。

Kim Darroch, the former British national security adviser and ambassador to Washington, said it was reminiscent of the nonaligned movement during the Cold War, when large parts of the developing world tried to avoid taking sides between the West and the Soviet Union.

“That thinking still pervades the governments of some of these big countries like India and South Africa,” Mr. Darroch said. “And never underestimate the impact of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, especially in Africa,” which gives China considerable political and financial leverage.
“这种想法仍然存在于印度和南非等一些大国的政府中,”达罗克先生说。 “永远不要低估中国‘一带一路’倡议的影响,尤其是在非洲,”这给了中国相当大的政治和金融影响力。

Even France and Germany worked to water down some of the language on Beijing in the NATO document, as China remains a crucial market for them.

Some foreign policy analysts were skeptical that Washington’s recent efforts would bear fruit.

“The U.S. and European countries have been pressuring China since February to take a tougher stand against Russia because of the invasion. But it is clear now that China is not going to be more critical of Russia,” said Noah Barkin, a specialist on Chinese-European relations from the Rhodium consultancy group.
“自2月以来,美国和欧洲国家一直在向中国施压,要求中国因入侵而对俄罗斯采取更强硬的立场。 但现在很明显,中国不会对俄罗斯更加挑剔,”荣鼎咨询集团中欧关系专家诺亚·巴金 (Noah Barkin) 说。


As the war stretches into its fifth month, some have begun to wonder how long the United States can continue to support Ukraine’s military and economy, despite President Biden’s vow to stand with Ukraine for “as long as it takes.”

The United States has authorized $54 billion in military and other assistance, but no one expects another $54 billion check when that runs out — and there is no sign of the Russian offensive ending, though a recent missile strike on a shopping center in central Ukraine suggested that Moscow was running low on precision weaponry and increasingly turning to less sophisticated armaments that could hit unintended targets.
美国已授权提供 540 亿美元的军事和其他援助,但没有人预计用完后还会再提供 540 亿美元的支票——尽管最近对乌克兰中部一个购物中心的导弹袭击表明俄罗斯的进攻没有结束的迹象 莫斯科的精密武器不足,越来越多地转向可以击中意外目标的不太复杂的武器。

Meanwhile, as Ukrainian forces have lost ground in the eastern Donbas region, they appeared on Saturday to be intensifying their efforts in the south, particularly around Kherson, a lush agricultural area bracketing the Dnipro River that was the first to fall to Russian troops after the war began on Feb. 24.

In recent weeks, Ukrainian officials have characterized the fighting in the south as chipping away at Russian positions and taking back some territory, though the progress has been slow. They are also urging residents of the region to evacuate ahead of what they are hinting could be a major counteroffensive.
最近几周,乌克兰官员将南部的战斗描述为削弱俄罗斯的阵地并夺回部分领土,尽管进展缓慢。 他们还敦促该地区的居民在他们暗示可能是一次重大反攻之前撤离。

As for the United States and China, Linda Jakobson, deputy chair and founding director of China Matters, an independent think tank in Australia, said it was likely that Mr. Biden and Mr. Xi would meet in November to discuss their countries’ relations. While it would be their first in-person meeting since Mr. Biden became president, the two spent long hours together during the Obama administration, when Mr. Biden was vice president and Mr. Xi a senior party official.
至于美国和中国,澳大利亚独立智库“中国事务”的副主席兼创始董事琳达·雅各布森表示,拜登和希望很可能会在 11 月会面,讨论两国关系。 虽然这将是他们自拜登就任总统以来的首次面对面会面,但在奥巴马政府期间,两人共度了很长时间,当时拜登担任副总统,希望担任党内高级官员。


“They’ve already shown that they believe in intensive dialogue, even if it doesn’t lead to concrete results,” she said. “And it at least doesn’t set back the relationship.”
“他们已经表明他们相信深入对话,即使这不会带来具体结果,”她说。 “而且至少不会让这种关系倒退。”

Increasing the challenge of the American position is that while China has stood by Russia against the United States and NATO, it has not offered Russia any significant aid in its war effort, said François Heisbourg, a defense analyst with the Foundation for Strategic Research in Paris. Whatever the West does should not change that.

“What China does for Russia is less useful for Russia than what would happen if we press the Chinese too hard,” Mr. Heisbourg said.







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