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[2022-07-04] WaPo - 警惕中国威胁,台湾人加入乌克兰与俄罗斯的斗争


Wary of China threat, Taiwanese join Ukraine’s fight against Russia
By Lily Kuo and Vic Chiang
July 3, 2022 at 8:00 a.m. EDT

美国东部时间 2022 年 7 月 3 日上午 8:00


TAIPEI, Taiwan — When Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky called in February for foreign volunteers to help repulse invading Russian forces, Chuang Yu-wei, a Taiwanese tour guide, signed up the next day.
台湾台北——当乌克兰领导人沃洛迪米尔·泽连斯基 (Volodymyr Zelensky) 于 2 月号召外国志愿者帮助击退入侵的俄罗斯军队时,台湾导游庄玉伟次日报名参加。

“Taiwan can’t be a giant baby that cries for help but isn’t willing to help others,” said the 51-year-old from Taoyuan, near Taipei. Since arriving in Ukraine in March, he has joined patrols, helped cook, moved supplies and dug trenches near the front lines in Kharkiv. “It doesn’t matter how many of you come, you just have to come,” he said in a phone interview.
来自台北附近桃园的这位 51 岁的老人说:“台湾不能是一个哭着求救却不愿意帮助别人的巨婴。” 自 3 月抵达乌克兰以来,他参加了巡逻、帮助做饭、运送物资并在哈尔科夫前线附近挖掘战壕。 他在电话采访中说:“无论有多少人来,你都必须来。”

For many in Taiwan, the Russian assault on Ukraine hits close to home because of parallels with their own situation. The island’s people live under constant threat from a powerful authoritarian neighbor, China, which claims sovereignty over democratic Taiwan and vows to seize it by force if necessary.
对台湾的许多人来说,俄罗斯对乌克兰的袭击与他们自己的情况相似,因此感同身受。 台湾人民不断受到强大威权邻国中国的威胁,中国声称对民主台湾拥有主权,并誓言在必要时以武力夺取它。

Chuang, who served in Taiwan’s military in the 1990s, is among a small group of Taiwanese volunteers in Ukraine for whom the war is a chance to bring battlefield experience back home — where debate is raging over the island’s military readiness — and show the international community that Taiwan is worth defending.
庄在 1990 年代曾在台湾军队服役,他是一小群在乌克兰的台湾志愿者之一,对他们来说,战争是一个机会,可以将战场经验带回家——那里正在激烈争论台湾的军事准备情况——并向国际社会展示 台湾值得保卫。

“I want the world to see that we aren’t the kind of people who lie on the ground waiting to be rescued. If you want people to help you, you first have to help them,” Chuang said.
“我想让全世界看到,我们不是那种躺在地上等待获救的人。 如果你想让人们帮助你,你首先必须帮助他们,“庄说。

It’s not known how many Taiwanese are in Ukraine. Volunteer soldiers interviewed by The Washington Post estimate that about 10 of their compatriots have joined the war effort.
不知道有多少台湾人在乌克兰。 接受《华盛顿邮报》采访的志愿士兵估计,他们的同胞中约有 10 人参加了战争。

Taiwan officials caution that war in the Taiwan Strait, the 100-mile-wide corridor between China and Taiwan, is not imminent. Officials point to differences between Taiwan’s situation and that of Ukraine, including the island’s geostrategic significance and close relationship with the United States. In May, President Biden said the United States would defend Taiwan militarily in the event of an attack by China, before the White House backtracked on his statement, maintaining a long-running policy of strategic ambiguity over the extent of U.S. assistance.
台湾官员警告说,台湾海峡(中国和台湾之间 100 英里宽的走廊)的战争不会迫在眉睫。 官员们指出台湾的情况与乌克兰的情况存在差异,包括该岛的地缘战略意义和与美国的密切关系。 今年 5 月,拜登总统表示,如果中国发动袭击,美国将在军事上保卫台湾,但随后白宫收回了他的声明,在美国援助的范围上保持了长期的战略模糊政策。

Yet the possibility of an attack by Beijing looms larger as Chinese leader Xi Jinping prepares to take on a third term this year, ushering in a critical period to cement his legacy. With China increasingly at odds with Western countries, and continuing an ambitious military buildup, more observers worry that Xi will take inspiration from his friend and partner, Russian President Vladimir Putin.
然而,随着中国领导人希望今年准备连任第三个任期,从而迎来巩固其遗产的关键时期,北京发动袭击的可能性越来越大。 随着中国与西方国家的分歧越来越大,并继续进行雄心勃勃的军事建设,越来越多的观察家担心希望会从他的朋友和伙伴俄罗斯总统黄俄の爹那里获得灵感。

For Pan, 26, a volunteer fighter from Hsinchu who previously served in Taiwan’s special forces and the French Foreign Legion, these worries motivated him in April to join the International Legion for Ukraine.
对于曾在台湾特种部队和法国外籍军团服役的 26 岁新竹志愿战士潘来说,这些担忧促使他在 4 月加入了国际乌克兰军团。

“When the war broke out in Ukraine, I rushed over as soon as I could,” said Pan, who gave only his surname out of security concerns.


He said he has been struck by how the Ukrainian military values soldiers with particular skills. When providing cover for drone pilots doing reconnaissance at the front lines, Pan said, they received orders to protect the pilots at all costs.
他说,他对乌克兰军队如何重视具有特殊技能的士兵感到震惊。 潘说,在为前线侦察的无人机飞行员提供掩护时,他们接到了不惜一切代价保护飞行员的命令。

“In Taiwan, our electronic warfare specialists are secondary to the traditional army, and [the military] is still promoting the use of bayonets,” he said. Pan hopes to open a boot camp when he returns and bring in some of his comrades from Ukraine to teach Taiwanese civilians how to defend themselves.
“在台湾,我们的电子战专家要逊于传统军队,[军方]仍在推广使用刺刀,”他说。 潘希望回国后开个新兵训练营,从乌克兰请来一些战友,教台湾平民如何自卫。

Taiwan has lived under military threat from Beijing since Chinese Communist forces defeated the Nationalists in the Chinese civil war in 1949, prompting the Nationalists to flee to Taiwan and set up a rival government. Some Taiwanese islands experienced intermittent shelling by Chinese forces through the 1970s. For most residents, war remains a distant memory and an abstract possibility.
自 1949 年中国共产党军队在中国内战中击败国民党,促使国民党逃往台湾并成立敌对政府以来,台湾一直生活在北京的军事威胁之下。 在整个 1970 年代,一些台湾岛屿经历了中国军队的间歇性炮击。 对于大多数居民来说,战争仍然是遥远的记忆和抽象的可能性。

Now, Ukraine’s plight has renewed questions about the possibility of attack and Taiwan’s overall defense strategy, while bolstering calls to review the role civilians would play in a conflict. It has also highlighted concerns about the quality of training in Taiwan’s military, which requires most men to do four months of service.
现在,乌克兰的困境再次引发了对袭击可能性和台湾整体防御战略的质疑,同时加强了审查平民在冲突中将扮演的角色的呼声。 它还强调了对台湾军队训练质量的担忧,这需要大多数男性服役四个月。

The government has extended its reservist training program, raised its alert level and said that this year’s main military exercises will be informed by the Ukraine war and focused on asymmetric warfare. Last month, Foreign Minister Joseph Wu said Taiwan was “inspired by Ukraine” to strengthen its defense.
政府延长了预备役训练计划,提高了警戒级别,并表示今年的主要军事演习将以乌克兰战争为背景,重点关注不对称战争。 上个月,外交部长吴钊燮表示,台湾“受到乌克兰的启发”以加强其防御。

But these steps may not be enough to repel a far more powerful opponent like China. Taiwan’s mandatory military service is often likened to a summer camp, where recruits spend more time doing menial labor than learning combat skills. Tactics taught are comparable to those used during the 1991 Gulf War or the Vietnam War.
但这些步骤可能不足以击退像中国这样强大得多的对手。 台湾的义务兵役通常被比作夏令营,新兵花更多时间从事体力劳动,而不是学习战斗技能。 教授的战术与 1991 年海湾战争或越南战争期间使用的战术相当。

“The biggest questions are: What kind of war are we going to fight now? Can our equipment, military units and training match the kind of war we will have to fight?” said Lin Ying-yu, associate professor of Asia-Pacific affairs at Taiwan’s National Sun Yat-sen University.
“最大的问题是:我们现在要打什么样的战争? 我们的装备、军事单位和训练能与我们必须打的那种战争相匹配吗?” 台湾国立中山大学亚太事务副教授林英宇说。

For soldiers from Taiwan, the Ukraine conflict is a chance to see modern warfare up close. From using artillery in conjunction with drones to employing portable missile systems like Javelins and Stingers, “what they experience on the battlefield will definitely be useful,” Lin said.
对于台湾士兵来说,乌克兰冲突是一个近距离观察现代战争的机会。 从与无人机结合使用火炮到使用标枪和毒刺等便携式导弹系统,“他们在战场上的经验肯定会有用,”林说。

Some Taiwanese soldiers in Ukraine say the most important skill is one that’s difficult to learn outside a real conflict.

Chen Ting-wei, 27, who trained with an elite amphibious reconnaissance and patrol unit in Taiwan known as the “frogmen,” was assigned to defend a village near Kharkiv in April.
27 岁的陈廷伟曾在台湾被称为“蛙人”的精锐两栖侦察巡逻部队接受训练,今年 4 月他被派去保卫哈尔科夫附近的一个村庄。

While he was hiding in a trench with his squad one day, a car came from behind and sped past. One of his teammates, a U.S. Marine veteran, advised that they should leave in case the car was Russian surveillance. Less than a minute later, their area was bombed, killing a member of their team who hadn’t escaped in time.
有一天,他和他的小队躲在战壕里时,一辆汽车从后面飞驰而过。 他的一名队友是一名美国海军陆战队老兵,他建议他们应该离开,以防汽车被俄罗斯监视。 不到一分钟,他们所在的区域就被轰炸了,杀死了他们团队的一名没有及时逃脱的成员。

“The most important experience I’ve gained is agility on the battlefield,” Chen said. “Without the experience, you won’t be able to react quickly.”
“我获得的最重要的经验是在战场上的敏捷,”陈说。 “没有经验,你将无法快速做出反应。”

Others have been moved by public morale. Lee Cheng-ling, a 34-year-old Uber Eats delivery driver from Taichung who joined Ukraine’s foreign legion in April, said he has been most impressed by the will of the Ukrainian people, something he worries Taiwanese citizens lack.
其他人则被公众的士气所感动。 来自台中的 34 岁 Uber Eats 外卖司机 Lee Cheng-ling 于 4 月加入乌克兰外籍军团,他说乌克兰人民的意愿给他留下了最深刻的印象,他担心台湾公民缺乏这种意愿。

“They have a really strong sense of unity,” he said of the Ukrainians. “I feel that in Taiwan, our solidarity is more like a show for the international community.”
“他们有一种非常强烈的团结感,”他谈到乌克兰人时说。 “我觉得在台湾,我们的团结更像是向国际社会展示。”

The volunteers are also spreading word of Taiwan’s precarious position. When Chen tells other foreign soldiers he is from Taiwan, they promise they will come to the island’s aid when needed.
志工们也在散播台湾岌岌可危的处境。 当陈告诉其他外国士兵他来自台湾时,他们承诺会在需要时来帮助台湾。

“People from Poland, the U.S., Australia, Brazil and Ukraine have all told me that if China attacks Taiwan, ‘we will meet in Taiwan,’ ” he said.

For Chuang, helping Ukraine is like buying time for his homeland. At Kyiv’s Independence Square recently, he took pictures with the Taiwanese flag at a monument to foreign fighters serving in Ukraine. He believes Taiwan should be the one expressing gratitude.
对Chuang来说,帮助乌克兰就像为自己的祖国争取时间。 最近在基辅独立广场,他在乌克兰服役的外国战士纪念碑前与台湾国旗合影。 他认为台湾应该是表达感激的人。

“If Ukraine had been defeated in two weeks, then Xi Jinping would have attacked Taiwan,” he said.

But, he noted, Kyiv withstood the Russian siege — giving him hope for his homeland.

“We can be more confident in ourselves,” he said.



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