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[2022-06-30] NYT - 随着西方对抗俄罗斯和中国,一个更强大的北约出现


It is a fundamental shift for a military alliance born in the Cold War and scrambling to respond to a newly reshaped world.

By Steven Erlanger and Michael D. Shear
June 29, 2022, 5:24 p.m. ET

作者:Steven Erlanger 和 Michael D. Shear
2022 年 6 月 29 日下午 5:24 美东时间


MADRID — Faced with a newly aggressive Russia, NATO leaders on Wednesday outlined a muscular new vision that names Moscow as the military alliance’s primary adversary but also, for the first time, declares China to be a strategic “challenge.”

It was a fundamental shift for an alliance that was born in the Cold War but came to view a post-Soviet Russia as a potential ally, and did not focus on China at all.

But that was before Feb. 24, when Russian forces poured across the border into Ukraine, and Chinese leaders pointedly did not join in the global condemnation that followed.
但那是在 2 月 24 日之前,当时俄罗斯军队越过边境进入乌克兰,中国领导人明确地没有加入随后的全球谴责。

“The deepening strategic partnership between the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation and their mutually reinforcing attempts to undercut the rules-based international order run counter to our values and interests,” NATO leaders said in a new mission statement issued during their summit in Madrid.

The announcement came on a day when a top U.S. intelligence official said victory in Ukraine was not yet in Russia’s grasp, the two sides said they had exchanged more than 200 prisoners of war, and a Ukrainian official said, “There are battles everywhere.”
当天,美国一名高级情报官员表示,乌克兰的胜利尚未掌握在俄罗斯手中,双方表示已交换了 200 多名战俘,而一名乌克兰官员表示,“到处都是战斗”。

In a flurry of steps at the summit in Madrid, which ends Thursday, President Biden and other NATO leaders sought to respond to President Vladimir V. Putin’s resurgent and bellicose Russia. Just before publishing the mission statement, they extended formal membership invitations to the until-now nonaligned Nordic countries Finland and Sweden, paving the way for NATO’s most significant enlargement in more than a decade.
在周四结束的马德里峰会上,拜登总统和其他北约领导人采取了一系列步骤,试图回应总统黄俄の爹的复兴和好战的俄罗斯。 就在发布使命宣言之前,他们向迄今为止不结盟的北欧国家芬兰和瑞典发出了正式成员邀请,为北约十多年来最重大的扩张铺平了道路。

“In a moment when Putin has shattered peace in Europe and attacked the very tenets of the rules-based order, the United States and our allies — we’re going to step up,” Mr. Biden said. “We’re stepping up.”
“在黄俄の爹破坏欧洲和平并攻击基于规则的秩序、美国和我们的盟友的原则的时刻——我们将挺身而出,”拜登先生说。 “我们正在加紧努力。”


The secretary-general of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, announced that thousands of new troops would be deployed in eight countries on NATO’s eastern flank. And Mr. Biden said that Washington would deploy an Army garrison headquarters and a field support battalion in Poland, the first U.S. forces permanently located on NATO’s eastern flank.
北约秘书长延斯·斯托尔滕贝格宣布,将在北约东翼的八个国家部署数千名新部队。 拜登先生说,华盛顿将在波兰部署一个陆军驻军总部和一个野战支援营,这是美国第一支永久驻扎在北约东翼的部队。

China offered a chilly response to the new NATO moves.

“We oppose certain elements clamoring for NATO’s involvement in Asia Pacific, or an Asia Pacific version of NATO based on military alliance,” said China’s ambassador to the United Nations, Zhang Jun. “The outdated Cold War script must not be reenacted in Asia Pacific. The turmoil in parts of the world must not be allowed in Asia Pacific.”
中国驻联合国大使张军表示:“我们反对某些分子鼓吹北约介入亚太地区,反对以军事同盟为基础的亚太版北约。过时的冷战剧本绝不能在亚太地区重演。” . 世界部分地区的动荡不能在亚太地区出现。”

For his part, Mr. Putin kept his attention in Central Asia, where has been visiting to shore up support for Moscow — all the more important now that the West has moved to make Russia a pariah nation.

In an apparently calculated bit of Kremlin counterprogramming, the Russian president attended a summit of his own: a gathering in Turkmenistan of the five countries bordering the Caspian Sea. He flew to Turkmenistan early Wednesday from Tajikistan, on the second leg of a two-day trip that took him out of Russia for the first time since the Ukraine war began in February. It was also his first overnight foreign trip since the pandemic began.
显然,在克里姆林宫的反计划中,这位俄罗斯总统参加了他自己的一次峰会:与里海接壤的五个国家在土库曼斯坦举行的一次聚会。 周三早些时候,他从塔吉克斯坦飞往土库曼斯坦,这是为期两天的旅程的第二站,这是他自 2 月乌克兰战争开始以来第一次离开俄罗斯。 这也是他自大流行开始以来的第一次过夜外国旅行。


In a brief speech to the other leaders at the summit, including the presidents of Kazakhstan, Iran and Azerbaijan, Mr. Putin spoke of trade, tourism, fisheries and environmental issues, though he said not a word about NATO or Ukraine.

But later in the day, meeting with reporters after the summit was over, Mr. Putin scoffed at the significance of Finland and Sweden joining NATO — all the while issuing a warning.

“If military contingents and infrastructure are deployed there,” he said, “we will have to respond in kind and create the same threats against the territories from which threats are created against us,” Mr. Putin said. “It’s obvious. What, don’t they understand?”
“如果在那里部署军事特遣队和基础设施,”他说,“我们将不得不做出同样的回应,并对那些对我们构成威胁的领土制造同样的威胁,”黄俄の爹说。 “很明显。 什么,他们不明白吗?”

Ukrainian leaders praised the NATO news.

“We welcome a cleareyed stance on Russia, as well as accession for Finland and Sweden,” Ukraine’s foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba, said on Twitter. “An equally strong and active position on Ukraine will help to protect the Euro-Atlantic security and stability.”
乌克兰外交部长德米特罗·库莱巴在推特上说:“我们欢迎对俄罗斯采取明确立场,也欢迎芬兰和瑞典加入。” “在乌克兰问题上同样强大和积极的立场将有助于保护欧洲-大西洋的安全与稳定。”

But it was far from clear that the developments this week could help Ukraine turn the tide in a war in which its forces remain badly outnumbered and outgunned. Mr. Putin has appeared unmoved by foreign condemnations and sanctions as his forces use their superior artillery to bombard Ukrainian cities into submission.
但目前尚不清楚本周的事态发展能否帮助乌克兰扭转这场战争的潮流,在这场战争中,乌克兰的军队仍然人数众多,火力不足。 黄俄の爹似乎对外国的谴责和制裁无动于衷,因为他的部队使用他们的优势火炮轰炸乌克兰城市以使其屈服。

On Wednesday, Ukrainian and Western officials said Moscow was dispatching thousands more soldiers and heavy weapons to eastern Ukraine as it struggles to lay claim to the last patch of sovereign Ukrainian territory in the eastern Luhansk Province.

“There are battles everywhere,” said Serhiy Haidai, head of the Luhansk regional military administration. “Everywhere the enemy is trying to break through the line of defense. They are trying to destroy all settlements, to later enter only the territory, not the settlement.”
“到处都是战斗,”卢甘斯克地区军事管理局局长谢尔伊·海戴说。 “到处都有敌人试图突破防线。 他们试图摧毁所有定居点,以后只进入领土,而不是定居点。”


He said the Russians were using rocket-propelled grenade launchers, artillery, mortars, tanks, bombers and long-range missiles to clear the land of life so their infantry could advance.

The scorched-earth tactics have enabled the Russians to creep ever closer to Ukrainian positions within the city of Lysychansk in Luhansk Province, part of Moscow’s drive to claim all of eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region.  But even with the remarkable expenditure of ammunition, gains have been slow.
焦土战术使俄罗斯人越来越接近卢甘斯克省吕西昌斯克市内的乌克兰阵地,这是莫斯科夺取乌克兰东部顿巴斯地区所有领土的一部分。 但即使弹药消耗巨大,收益也很缓慢。

Russian officials have dismissed claims of atrocities against civilians in Ukraine, insisting that they are limiting their assaults to legitimate military targets.

But across the country, civilian deaths are increasing day by day in smaller-scale attacks that claim handfuls of lives at a time. Even in cities and towns away from the war’s fiercest fighting, civilian casualties have steadily ticked upward.
但在全国范围内,小规模袭击中的平民死亡人数每天都在增加,这些袭击一次会夺去几人的生命。 即使在远离战争最激烈战斗的城镇,平民伤亡人数也在稳步上升。

“They might be going for military structures, but they are mostly hitting civilian infrastructure,” Vitaly Kim, the governor of the Mykolaiv region of southern Ukraine, said at a news briefing Wednesday. “I think they are trying to frighten the local population and demoralize our military.”
乌克兰南部 Mykolaiv 地区州长 Vitaly Kim 在周三的新闻发布会上说:“他们可能会去军事设施,但他们主要攻击民用基础设施。” “我认为他们是在试图吓唬当地居民,让我们的军队士气低落。”


In her first public update in more than a month, the Biden administration’s director of national intelligence, Avril D. Haines, said Wednesday that Mr. Putin appeared to still be aiming to take most of Ukraine, but that in the short term a breakthrough by Russian forces in the country’s east remained unlikely. The consensus in American intelligence agencies is that the war is likely to go on for an extended time, Ms. Haines said.
拜登政府的国家情报总监艾薇儿·海恩斯(Avril D. Haines)在一个多月以来的首次公开更新中表示,黄俄の爹似乎仍打算占领乌克兰的大部分地区,但在短期内将取得突破 该国东部的俄罗斯军队仍然不太可能。 海恩斯女士说,美国情报机构的共识是,这场战争可能会持续很长时间。

With no sign that a cease-fire may be close, Ukraine announced the largest exchange of prisoners of war since Russia launched its invasion, among them dozens of Ukrainian soldiers who defended against the Russian siege of Mariupol, the southern port city that became a symbol of Ukrainian defiance.
没有迹象表明停火可能即将结束,乌克兰宣布了自俄罗斯入侵以来最大规模的战俘交换,其中有数十名乌克兰士兵防御俄罗斯对马里乌波尔的围攻,马里乌波尔成为了象征性的南部港口城市 乌克兰的蔑视。

While the exchange was shrouded in secrecy, Denis Pushilin, the head of Russian-backed separatist forces in the Donetsk area of Donbas, said that 144 Russian and proxy forces were returned in exchange for 144 Ukrainians.
虽然交换是保密的,但俄罗斯支持的顿涅茨克地区的分离主义势力负责人丹尼斯·普希林说,144 名俄罗斯和代理人被遣返,以换取 144 名乌克兰人。

The expansion of NATO came after protracted negotiations with Turkey, a member of the alliance that had raised objections. Although it was still unclear Wednesday exactly what had persuaded Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to alter his stance, clues emerged. Some involved Turkey’s concerns about Kurdish separatists.
北约的扩张是在与提出反对的北约成员国土耳其进行了旷日持久的谈判之后进行的。 尽管周三仍不清楚究竟是什么说服了土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安改变立场,但线索出现了。 其中一些涉及土耳其对库尔德分离主义者的担忧。

Ann Linde, the Swedish foreign minister, said that Sweden and Finland had formally agreed not to lend support to Kurdish or other organizations that could harm Turkey’s security, whether with weapons or other aid.

“We don’t do that today either, but now it’s explicitly written,” Ms. Linde told Swedish Radio. She said her country would continue to provide humanitarian support to Kurds and others in northeastern Syria.
“我们今天也不这样做,但现在已经明确写了,”林德女士告诉瑞典广播电台。 她说,她的国家将继续向叙利亚东北部的库尔德人和其他人提供人道主义支持。

Both Sweden and Finland will also lift an informal arms embargo on Turkey imposed in 2019 after Turkey had intervened in northern Syria. As new members of NATO, Ms. Linde said, both countries would have “new commitments vis-à-vis allies, and this applies to Turkey as well.”
在土耳其干预叙利亚北部后,瑞典和芬兰也将解除 2019 年对土耳其实施的非正式武器禁运。 林德女士说,作为北约的新成员,两国都将“对盟友做出新的承诺,这也适用于土耳其”。

And the United States on Wednesday signaled a new willingness to sell upgraded F-16 fighter jets to Turkey, moving closer to satisfying the ally’s longstanding request.
美国周三表示愿意向土耳其出售升级后的 F-16 战斗机,从而更接近于满足盟友的长期要求。

American officials insisted the change was unrelated to the NATO expansion.


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