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[2022-06-29] WaPo - 香港不应该是这个样子的香港


Keith B. Richburg
Global Opinions contributing columnist
June 28, 2022 at 7:00 a.m. EDT

美国东部时间 2022 年 6 月 28 日上午 7:00


Hong Kong was not supposed to look like this, 25 years after the end of British colonial rule and midway through China’s promised 50 years of autonomy and personal freedoms.
英国殖民统治结束过来25 年,中国承诺的50年自治和个人自由过了一半,香港不应该是这个样子的香港。

There are now more than 1,000 political prisoners languishing in Hong Kong’s jails, among them activists, students, journalists and lawyers. Dozens have been jailed for a year or longer without bail in the legal limbo of “pretrial detention.” Some 47 opposition politicians face possible life in prison because they participated in a primary election, considered subversive in the new Hong Kong.
现在有1000多名政治犯在香港的监狱中受刑,其中包括活动人士、学生、记者和律师。 数十人在“审前拘留”的法律边缘被判入狱一年或更长时间,不得保释。 大约 47 名反对派政客可能面临终身监禁,因为他们参加了初选,被认为在新香港具有颠覆性。


Civil society has been decimated, with more than 50 activist groups shuttered by the government or pressured to close. Campus student unions have been dissolved. The giant Confederation of Trade Unions, with at least 70 affiliate unions, disbanded in October. One of the largest affiliates, the 100,000-member Professional Teachers Union, closed down after being branded a “malignant tumor” in China’s state-run media. Popular media outlets have been shut or voluntarily closed, their online archives scrubbed clean.
民间社会遭到重创,50 多个激进组织被政府关闭或被迫关闭。 校园学生会已经解散。 拥有至少 70 个附属工会的庞大工会联合会于 10 月解散。 最大的附属机构之一,拥有 100,000 名成员的专业教师工会,在被中国官方媒体称为“恶性肿瘤”后关闭。 流行的媒体机构已经关闭或自愿关闭,他们的在线档案被清理干净。

International groups have not been spared. Organizations advocating for democracy, such as the National Endowment for Democracy, have been accused of fomenting unrest. Human rights groups Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have shuttered their local offices.
国际团体也未能幸免。 倡导民主的组织,例如国家民主基金会,被指控煽动骚乱。 人权组织大赦国际和人权观察已经关闭了当地办事处。

Statues commemorating the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre have been removed. Books deemed too politically sensitive have been pulled from shelves in public libraries and bookstores. High school textbooks are being rewritten to emphasize protecting China’s national security and insist that Hong Kong was not actually a British colony. Hong Kong police officers have been taught to goose-step mainland-style during drills and parades, and children must participate in mandatory morning rituals raising the Chinese flag.
纪念 1989 年天安门广场大屠杀的雕像已被拆除。 公共图书馆和书店的书架上被认为过于政治敏感的书籍已经下架。 高中教科书正在被改写,以强调保护中国的国家安全,并坚称香港实际上不是英国的殖民地。 香港警察在演习和游行中被教导要走大陆式的鹅步,孩子们必须参加强制性的早晨升起中国国旗的仪式。


Now, career police officer John Lee Ka-chiu — dubbed Iron Man in the local media for his supposed toughness — has been appointed Hong Kong’s next chief executive. The United States has imposed sanctions on Lee “for being involved in coercing, arresting, detaining, or imprisoning individuals under the authority of the National Security Law.”
现在,职业警官李家超——因强硬作风被当地媒体称为钢铁侠——已被任命为香港下一任行政长官。 美国已对李“根据《国家安全法》参与胁迫、逮捕、拘留或监禁个人”实施制裁。

In 1997, many people here assumed that after 25 years, mainland China would look more like Hong Kong — more liberal and far less anchored by archaic-sounding Communist Party ideology. As China grew richer and more globally connected, the thinking went, the country would become more democratic and open to the world.
1997 年,这里的许多人认为,25 年后,中国大陆看起来会更像香港——更加自由,远不那么依赖于听起来陈旧的共产党意识形态。 随着中国变得越来越富裕,与全球的联系越来越紧密,人们的想法是,这个国家将变得更加民主和向世界开放。


What happened instead has been the opposite. In 2022, Hong Kong looks more like China — repressive, intolerant of dissent, suspicious of foreigners and bent on indoctrinating the entire population with an enforced loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party and its whitewashed view of history.
相反,发生的事情恰恰相反。 2022 年的香港看起来更像中国——压制性、不容忍异见、怀疑外国人,并一心要向全体人民灌输对中国共产党的强制忠诚及其粉饰的历史观。

Local officials now claim to see ubiquitous “foreign forces” seeking to overthrow the government behind all recent incidents of unrest. According to this paranoid worldview, the massive 2019 street protests against an unpopular extradition bill were all plots orchestrated by foreigners who manipulated or paid naive locals to march against the government.
地方官员现在声称看到无处不在的“外国势力”藏在最近发生的所有骚乱事件背后并试图推翻政府。 根据这种偏执的世界观,2019 年针对不得人心的引渡法案的大规模街头抗议,都是外国人精心策划的阴谋,他们操纵或付钱给天真的当地人游行反对政府。

Britain never brought full democracy. But Hongkongers did vote when given the chance and a choice, for the local Legislative Council and smaller neighborhood-based district councils.
英国从未带来完全的民主。 但是,当有机会和选择时,香港人确实投票给了当地立法会和较小的以社区为基础的区议会。

Nearly 60 percent turned out for competitive Legislative Council elections in 2016, and more than 73 percent turned out in November 2019, in the wake of massive anti-government protests, to hand pro-democracy parties a landslide sweep of the district councils. Then 47 opposition politicians and activists were detained, and Beijing retooled the election system to ensure a pliant “patriotic” Legislative Council with no opposition. Turnout plummeted to about 30 percent, with many of those who bothered to show up casting spoiled or blank ballots.
2016 年有近 60% 的人参加了竞争性的立法会选举,而 2019 年 11 月,在大规模反政府抗议活动之后,超过 73% 的人参加了选举,让民主派政党以压倒性优势席卷了区议会。 随后 47 名反对派政治家和活动人士被拘留,北京重新调整了选举制度,以确保一个没有反对意见的顺从的“爱国”立法会。 投票率暴跌至 30% 左右,许多不屑于出现的人投了被宠坏或空白的选票。


Now Hongkongers are voting with their feet. Hong Kong has seen a net outflow of some 157,000 people in the first quarter of the year, leading to fretting about a “brain drain” of accountants, engineers and IT professionals. So many young families have left that top elementary and high schools — where it was once difficult to find a place — are now struggling to fill thousands of vacancies.
现在香港人用脚投票。 香港今年第一季度净流出约 157,000 人,导致会计师、工程师和 IT 专业人士“人才流失”的担忧。 如此多的年轻家庭离开了曾经很难找到位置的顶尖小学和高中,现在正努力填补数千个空缺。

Can Hong Kong survive as a more tightly controlled, authoritarian version of its former self? There is evidence it can.
香港能否以更严格控制、更专制的形式生存下去? 有证据表明它可以。

The city’s location still makes it the most central hub for anyone doing business with China and a convenient connector between the Chinese mainland and Southeast Asia. That role has taken a hit during the pandemic, as the city has instituted some of the world’s most stringent anti-virus measures, but most expect it to resume once covid-19 restrictions are eased.
这座城市的地理位置仍然使其成为与中国开展业务的人最中心的枢纽,也是中国大陆和东南亚之间的便捷连接点。 这一角色在武汉肺炎大流行期间受到了打击,因为该市制定了一些世界上最严格的防病毒措施,但大多数人预计一旦武汉肺炎限制放松,它就会恢复。


Unlike the mainland, Hong Kong has an internationally exchangeable currency pegged to the U.S. dollar. And while the national security law has weaponized the legal system against dissent, the parallel court system that handles routine commercial and contract law cases and business disputes continues to be highly respected.
与大陆不同,香港有一种与美元挂钩的国际可兑换货币。 尽管《国家安全法》将法律制度武器化为反对异议的武器,但处理日常商业和合同法案件以及商业纠纷的平行法院系统仍然受到高度尊重。

China can always send in replacements for the people leaving in droves, a pressure valve for the growing number of mainland university graduates facing a bleak employment market.

Hong Kong will indeed survive by changing and adapting, as it always has. It will likely even prosper. It just might not be recognizable to anyone who knew it, and loved it, before.
香港确实会像往常一样通过改变和适应来生存。 它甚至可能会繁荣。 以前知道并喜欢它的人可能无法识别它。


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