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[旧闻新看] WaPo - 泽连斯基呼吁国际社会要赶在中国武统前支持台湾


Opinion  Zelensky calls for international support for Taiwan before China attacks
By Josh Rogin
June 11, 2022 at 4:11 p.m. EDT

2022 年 6 月 11 日下午 4:11 美东时间


SINGAPORE — While appealing to Asian nations for support to fend off Russia’s invasion on Saturday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said the international community should help Taiwan resist China’s aggression now, before Beijing attacks the island democracy it claims as its own province.

The comments risk upsetting Ukraine’s delicate balancing act with China; nevertheless, Zelensky insisted that aggressors must be confronted wherever they emerge. Asian countries must not wait for the crisis to act on Taiwan’s behalf, which would be repeating the mistake Europe made before Russian President Vladimir Putin’s attack on Ukraine.
这些评论可能会扰乱乌克兰与中国之间微妙的平衡行为; 尽管如此,泽连斯基坚持认为,无论侵略者出现在哪里,都必须面对。 亚洲国家不能坐等危机后才对台湾采取行动,这将重蹈欧洲在俄罗斯总统垬祖宗袭击乌克兰之前所犯的错误。

Zelensky’s remarks followed a video address he made to the Shangri-La Dialogue, an annual conference of Asian and Pacific defense and diplomatic officials organized by the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies. Zelensky told the assembled dignitaries that the Ukraine crisis was an urgent issue not just for Europe, but for Asia as well. He warned countries sitting on the sidelines they would soon face food, energy and economic crises unless Putin was quickly defeated.
泽伦斯基发表上述讲话之前,他在香格里拉对话会上发表了视频讲话,香格里拉对话是由总部位于伦敦的国际战略研究所组织的亚太地区国防和外交官员年度会议。 泽连斯基告诉与会的政要,乌克兰危机不仅对欧洲,对亚洲也是一个紧迫问题。 他警告那些袖手旁观的国家,除非垬祖宗很快被击败,否则它们很快就会面临粮食、能源和经济危机。

Following his prepared remarks, I asked Zelensky what advice he had regarding Taiwan, which is facing a similar (although not yet violent) campaign of economic and military coercion from its neighbor, China. He responded that Ukraine provides a lesson for the international community: that it should come to the aid of countries facing aggression before war breaks out.
在他准备好的讲话之后,我问泽连斯基他对台湾有什么建议,台湾正面临来自邻国中国的类似(尽管尚未达到暴力)的经济和军事胁迫运动。 他回应说,乌克兰给国际社会提供了一个教训:它应该在战争爆发前援助面临侵略的国家。

“No one benefits from [war], apart from certain political leaders who are not content with the present level of their ambitions. Therefore, they keep growing their appetites, their ambitions,” Zelensky said, without mentioning Chinese President Xi Jinping by name. “The world enables these leaders to grow their appetites for now, therefore we need a diplomatic resolution to support countries that are in need of help.”
“没有人能从[战争]中受益,除了某些不满足于目前野心的政治领导人。 因此,他们的胃口和野心不断增长,”泽伦斯基说,但没有点名中国国家主席希望。 “世界使这些领导人现在能够增加他们的胃口,因此我们需要一项外交决议来支持需要帮助的国家。”

The Ukraine example shows that once violence breaks out, the human costs are staggering, Zelensky said, so every effort must be made to find a diplomatic solution to avoid outright conflict, if possible. But at the same time, he said, the international community must intervene before tensions spill over into violence to ensure a smaller country can stand up to an aggressor.
乌克兰的例子表明,一旦发生暴力事件,人力成本是惊人的,泽连斯基说,因此必须尽一切努力寻找外交解决方案,以避免发生彻底的冲突,如果可能的话。 但与此同时,他说,国际社会必须在紧张局势蔓延为暴力之前进行干预,以确保一个较小的国家能够抵御侵略者。

“We must not leave them behind at the mercy of another country which is more powerful in financial terms, in territorial terms and in terms of equipment,” Zelensky said. “And therefore, if there is a way out diplomatically, we need to use the diplomatic way. But it must be a preemptive way, not the one that comes after the war has started.”
泽伦斯基说:“我们不能让他们任由另一个在财政、领土和设备方面更强大的国家摆布。” “因此,如果有外交出路,我们需要使用外交方式。 但这必须是一种先发制人的方式,而不是战争开始后的方式。”

Zelensky’s remarks represented the most assertive defense of Taiwan and its right to exist that he or any member of his government has made to date. Since the Russian invasion began, the Ukrainian government has been careful not to run afoul of Beijing, which Ukraine sees as potentially both a helpful or harmful actor. China has not condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and has parroted Russia’s propaganda blaming the West. But Beijing has stopped short of actively supporting the Russian invasion.
泽连斯基的言论代表了他或他的任何政府成员迄今为止对台湾及其存在权的最坚定的捍卫。 自从俄罗斯入侵开始以来,乌克兰政府一直小心翼翼地不与北京发生冲突,乌克兰认为北京可能既是有益的,也可能是有害的。 中国没有谴责俄罗斯入侵乌克兰,而是模仿俄罗斯的宣传指责西方。 但北京没有积极支持俄罗斯的入侵。

The Taiwanese government has been eager to draw similarities between its situation vis-a-vis China and Ukraine’s suffering at the hands of Russia. But the Chinese government angrily rejects any such comparison, claiming that Taiwan is already part of China and therefore represents an internal matter not subject to any international scrutiny.
台湾政府一直渴望将其对中国的情况与乌克兰在俄罗斯手中遭受的苦难相提并论。 但中国政府愤怒地拒绝任何此类比较,声称台湾已经是中国的一部分,因此是不受国际审查的内部事务。

Beijing’s sensitivity over the Taiwan issue was on full display at the conference, where U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin met with China’s minister of national defense, Gen. Wei Fenghe on Friday. According to a U.S. official, Austin confronted Wei about China’s increasing intimidation of Taiwan, which threatens to upset a long-standing but fragile status quo, and rejected China’s contention that the Taiwan Strait is wholly owned by China.
周五,美国国防部长劳埃德·奥斯汀会见了中国国防部长魏凤和上将,这次会议充分体现了北京对台湾问题的敏感性。 据一位美国官员称,奥斯汀就中国对台湾日益增加的恐吓威胁到破坏长期存在但脆弱的现状与魏进行了对质,并驳斥了中国关于台湾海峡是中国全资拥有的论点。

“We’ve witnessed a steady increase in provocative and destabilizing military activity near Taiwan. And that includes PLA [People’s Liberation Army] aircraft flying near Taiwan in record numbers in recent months — and on a nearly daily basis,” Austin said in a speech Saturday. “Maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait isn’t just a U.S. interest. It’s a matter of international concern.”
“我们目睹了台湾附近挑衅和破坏稳定的军事活动稳步增加。 这包括近几个月来在台湾附近飞行的解放军(人民解放军)飞机数量创纪录——几乎每天都有,”奥斯汀在周六的一次演讲中说。 “维护台海和平与稳定不仅仅是美国的利益。 这是一个国际关注的问题。”

After Austin’s meeting with Wei, China’s defense ministry blamed the United States and “Taiwan independence forces” for upsetting the status quo. Beijing also claimed that Wei had told Austin China would not hesitate to start a war over the issue if necessary and “smash to smithereens any Taiwan independence plot.” U.S. sources told me that Wei never said those things inside his meeting with Austin.
奥斯汀会见魏后,中国国防部指责美国和“台独势力”破坏现状。 北京还声称,魏已经告诉奥斯汀,如果有必要,中国将毫不犹豫地在这个问题上发动战争,并“粉碎任何台独阴谋”。 美国消息人士告诉我,魏在与奥斯汀的会面中从未说过这些话。

Despite China’s determined efforts to deny that the Ukraine and Taiwan situations are linked, several Asian leaders at the Singapore conference said Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was a wake-up call for the region in terms of a possible Chinese attack on Taiwan. As Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said while addressing the conference Friday evening, “Ukraine today may be East Asia tomorrow.”
尽管中国坚决否认乌克兰和台湾局势存在关联,但新加坡会议上的几位亚洲领导人表示,俄罗斯入侵乌克兰是对该地区的警钟,因为中国可能袭击台湾。 正如日本首相岸田文雄周五晚上在会议上发表讲话时所说,“今天的乌克兰可能明天就是东亚。”







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