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[2022-06-03] WaPo - 观点: 《壮志凌云:特立独行》证明好莱坞不需要中国


Opinion  ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ proves Hollywood doesn’t need China
By Sonny Bunch
Contributing columnist
June 1, 2022 at 10:31 a.m. EDT

Sonny Bunch
美国东部时间 2022 年 6 月 1 日上午 10:31

The resounding success of “Top Gun: Maverick” could represent a tipping point in Hollywood’s relationship to China. The cinematic celebration of U.S. military superiority has been a monster success, even though it wasn’t released in the Middle Kingdom. It’s about time American studios recalibrated their priorities to be less reliant on Chinese censors and Chinese moviegoers.
《壮志凌云:特立独行》的巨大成功可能代表了好莱坞与中国关系的一个转折点。 美国军事优势的电影庆祝取得了巨大的成功,尽管它没有在中国上映。 现在是美国电影公司重新调整优先事项以减少对中国审查员和中国电影观众的依赖的时候了。

The $300 million worldwide opening puts the picture roughly three-quarters of the way to profitability in just four days in theaters. That’s a big number by any measure these days; importantly, for our purposes here, the Paramount Pictures- and Skydance Media-produced picture hit that mark without making a single penny in China.
3 亿美元的全球首映票房让影片在短短四天内就实现了盈利的四分之三。 如今,无论以何种标准衡量,这都是一个很大的数字。 重要的是,就我们这里的目的而言,派拉蒙影业和 Skydance Media 制作的影片在中国没有赚到一分钱就达到了这个目标。

This might come as a surprise to some culture warriors who knew little about this picture aside from the fact that Pete “Maverick” Mitchell’s (Tom Cruise) flight jacket from the iconic original had been altered in the trailer to erase any mention of Japan or Taiwan. The alteration, observers assumed, occurred because the film was funded in part by Tencent Holdings, a Chinese firm.
这可能会让一些对这张照片知之甚少的文化勇士们感到惊讶,除了标志性原版中皮特“小牛”米切尔(汤姆克鲁斯)的飞行夹克在预告片中已被修改以消除对日本或台湾的任何提及 . 观察人士认为,之所以发生这种变化,是因为这部电影的部分资金来自中国公司腾讯控股。

Keen viewers at early screenings, however, noticed a couple of things. The first was that during the title cards that preceded the picture, Tencent’s logo was nowhere to be found. The second was that the flags of Japan and Taiwan were back in place on Maverick’s jacket. That these two things were related felt obvious, but it was nice to get confirmation from Erich Schwartzel at the Wall Street Journal.
然而,在早期放映中,敏锐的观众注意到了一些事情。 首先是在图片前面的标题卡中,没有找到腾讯的标志。 第二个是日本和台湾的国旗在小牛的夹克上重新放回原位。 这两件事是相关的感觉很明显,但很高兴得到华尔街日报的 Erich Schwartzel 的确认。

“Tencent executives backed out of the $170 million Paramount Pictures production after they grew concerned that Communist Party officials in Beijing would be angry about the company’s affiliation with a movie celebrating the American military, according to people familiar with the matter,” Schwartzel reported.
“据知情人士透露,腾讯高管因担心北京的共产党官员会对该公司与一部纪念美国军队的电影的关联感到愤怒,因此退出了派拉蒙影业 1.7 亿美元的制作,”施瓦策尔报道。

Having lost Chinese funding and being uncertain of receiving a Chinese release, someone somewhere decided the juice was no longer worth the squeeze and undid the vandalism to Mav’s jacket. In addition to simply making aesthetic sense, the move also earned the picture some goodwill with American audiences who have grown tired of having their blockbusters defaced by Chinese censors.
由于失去了中国的资金并且不确定是否会收到中国版本,某个地方的某个人认为果汁不再值得挤压,并解除了对 Mav 夹克的破坏。 除了简单的美学意义之外,此举还为这部电影赢得了一些美国观众的好感,他们已经厌倦了他们的大片被中国审查员玷污。

And “Top Gun: Maverick” is just the latest film to achieve box-office success after rejecting Chinese demands in exchange for a run in that nation’s theaters. Word has it that China asked Sony Pictures to remove a sequence in “Spider-Man: No Way Home” that prominently featured the Statue of Liberty.
而《壮志凌云:特立独行》只是在拒绝中国要求以换取在该国影院上映后取得票房成功的最新电影。 有消息称,中国要求索尼影业删除《蜘蛛侠:无路可归》中突出显示自由女神像的片段。

Anyone who has seen “Spider-Man: No Way Home” understands the impossibility of that request. The entire climax of the picture, involving three generations of Spider-Men doing battle against three generations of Spider-Man villains, takes place on a Statue of Liberty that has been remodeled in tribute to Captain America. Indeed, the request is so impossible as to make it feel like a de facto rejection of the picture by Chinese censors.
任何看过《蜘蛛侠:无路可归》的人都明白这个要求是不可能的。 影片的整个高潮,涉及三代蜘蛛侠与三代蜘蛛侠恶棍的战斗,发生在为纪念美国队长而改建的自由女神像上。 事实上,这个要求是如此不可能,以至于让人觉得中国审查员事实上拒绝了这张照片。

Luckily for Sony and their partner Disney, it didn’t really matter: “Spider-Man: No Way Home” was the first unabashed domestic hit of post-pandemic theatrical life, grossing more than $800 million in the United States alone. On top of that, it added another billion-plus worldwide, for a total of $1.89 billion. Combined with the fact that Disney’s “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness” has also grossed nearly $900 million worldwide so far without a Chinese release, we’re starting to see what a post-China future looks like for Hollywood: not that different, but a little more independent.
幸运的是,对于索尼和他们的合作伙伴迪士尼来说,这并不重要:《蜘蛛侠:无路可归》是大流行后第一部毫不掩饰的国内戏剧生活,仅在美国的票房就超过了 8 亿美元。 最重要的是,它在全球范围内又增加了 10 亿多美元,总计 18.9 亿美元。 再加上迪士尼的“疯狂多元宇宙中的奇异博士”在没有中国发行的情况下在全球范围内也获得了近 9 亿美元的票房收入,我们开始看到好莱坞后中国的未来是什么样子:没有什么不同, 但更独立一点。

This isn’t to say that the Chinese box office will cease to play a fiscal role in America’s dream factory. Universal is undoubtedly excited that the latest “Jurassic World” has already secured a release date in China, and it’s hard to imagine the “Fast and Furious” movies, also from Universal, failing to receive a release there, as that series is practically built on a global, pan-national appeal.
这并不是说中国票房将不再在美国梦工厂中扮演财政角色。 环球无疑对最新的《侏罗纪世界》已经确定在中国上映感到兴奋,很难想象同样来自环球的《速度与激情》电影未能在中国上映,因为该系列实际上已经建成 在全球、泛国家的呼吁上。

But the success of “Top Gun: Maverick,” the two most recent Marvel Cinematic Universe pictures, and other productions that have eschewed Chinese censorship such as Quentin Tarantino’s opus “Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood” suggests that Hollywood has less to fear from losing the Chinese marketplace than it might have thought.
但《壮志凌云:特立独行》、漫威电影宇宙最近的两部影片以及昆汀·塔伦蒂诺 (Quentin Tarantino) 的作品《好莱坞往事》等其他避开中国审查的作品的成功表明,好莱坞不再害怕 失去中国市场的可能性比它想象的要大。

And, perhaps just as important, America’s movie studios can reclaim the moral high ground as champions of American values at home, and the outlaw quality that makes Hollywood a beacon in unfree societies. “Top Gun: Maverick” will undoubtedly be seen in China — but as samizdat. Bootleg DVDs and digital files of Pete Mitchell acting like a maverick within the system won’t earn Hollywood much in the way of money. But they will serve as a reminder that one of America’s greatest attributes is our commitment to individual success even in determinedly hierarchical structures.
而且,也许同样重要的是,美国的电影制片厂可以在国内夺回道德制高点,成为美国价值观的捍卫者,以及使好莱坞成为不自由社会中的灯塔的非法品质。 《壮志凌云:特立独行》毫无疑问会在中国出现——但会以地下媒体的形式出现。 盗版 DVD 和 Pete Mitchell 在系统中表现得像个特立独行者的数字文件不会以金钱的方式为好莱坞带来太多收入。 但它们将提醒人们,美国最大的特点之一是我们对个人成功的承诺,即使在坚定的等级结构中也是如此。

In the end, Iceman (Val Kilmer), Maverick’s rival-pilot-turned-dear-friend was right: As Ice said in the original, Maverick is dangerous — to Chinese aspirations of global hegemony. And that’s exactly why the world needs Pete Mitchell in the cockpit of an F-18 Super Hornet.
最后,Maverick 的竞争对手、飞行员变成亲爱的朋友 Iceman (Val Kilmer) 是对的:正如 Ice 在原版中所说,Maverick 是危险的——对中国的全球霸权抱负而言。 这正是世界需要皮特·米切尔在 F-18 超级大黄蜂驾驶舱内的原因。








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