[每日好诗]Weishan Vista* and Oh, the Wind[10P]
竹子以空心摇出虚无 柿子以灯笼摆作喜宴
雨水未来 清风已至
我两手空空 低眉 敛手
只以一片构树的叶子 论一论此世的 枯与黄……
Weishan Vista*
by Liao Zhili
Hollow bamboo sways, giving an air of nothingness. Persimmon makes lanterns, to decorate a festive world.
The rain tarries, but a cool breeze has arrived.
My hands are empty, my eyebrows lowered, my fists inward.
The theory of a mulberry leaf: life will wither, life will fade. . .
Translator's note: * Weishan, place name in Hunan Province
河流从古代出来 两岸竹子一路相随,蜿蜒数十里 突然公路上坡,坡上又有弯,有风 摇曳的竹林低头之时 山腰间露出一座桥梁,甚是妩媚
桥上过去,是另一个县 沿桥头两侧向下,房屋顺山而筑,临水而建 倾斜的街道又有弯,又有竹子的腰,又有风 我忆起一个少年俯冲奔跑的力量,一只小豺的腰 一闪 一去不复还
这里的河水几多弯,竹林的梢头几多风 其间几多田亩,几多村舍,几多池塘,几多橘子的果园 雪白的阳光下淡蓝的远山在跑马
倏地,美有了高度 美有了一个好看的腰,山之腰,水之腰,竹之腰,风之腰
问路一个初中女生 她十五岁的眼里几多秋水,几多未知 她走开时留下竹子的婀娜,竹子的风 这里几多美不足为外人道,过路人几多惆怅
Oh, the Wind by Pan Miaobin
A river flows out from antiquity, flanked by bamboo, for dozens of winding miles. Abruptly the road goes uphill, winding more, getting windy. Where the bamboo sways and bends low, a bridge appears on the hillside, how terribly charming.
Across the bridge, it is another county. The river is now flanked by houses, up on the hillside, down by the water. The downhill road curves, with sinuous bamboo in the wind. I recall a young man's fierce dash, his slender waist like a jackal's, a flash, gone forever.
Oh, how the river twists and turns, how the wind brushes the bamboo, what beautiful farm fields, cottages, ponds, and orange groves, what distant blue mountains leaping in the white light.
Suddenly, beauty has grown tall, with delightful curves, curvy hillside, curvy river, curvy bamboo, curvy wind.
We asked a middle-school girl for directions: how bright her 15-year-old eyes are, how innocent. Then she left, with the elegance of bamboo, the air of bamboo. The beauty here is not for bragging, but one doesn't leave without a sense of longing.
