級別:精靈王 ( 12 )
威望:1292 點
金錢:32720 USD
貢獻:2504 點
大卫林奇:“I believe life is a continuum, and that no one really dies, they just drop their physical body and we'll all meet again, like the song says. It's sad but it's not devastating if you think like that... We're all going to be fine at the end of the story.” 我认为生命是一种连续体,没人会真正地死去,他们只是留下了肉身,我们会再次见面,如同歌里唱的那样。如果你能这么想,死亡很悲伤但也不会让人伤心欲绝……在故事的结尾,我们都会好好的。