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[2022-03-14] WP - 美国官员称俄罗斯向中国寻求军事装备和援助


Russia has turned to China for military equipment and aid in the weeks since it began its invasion of Ukraine, U.S. officials familiar with the matter told The Washington Post.

The officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject, did not describe what kind of weaponry had been requested, or whether they know how China responded.

The development comes as White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan plans to travel to Rome on Monday to meet with his Chinese counterpart, Yang Jiechi.

“We are communicating directly, privately to Beijing, that there will absolutely be consequences for large-scale sanctions, evasion efforts or support to Russia to backfill them,” Sullivan told CNN.

A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Washington, Liu Pengyu, said he was not aware of any such request for assistance. “I’ve never heard of that,” he said in an email to The Washington Post.
中国驻华盛顿大使馆发言人刘鹏宇表示,他不知道有任何此类援助请求。 “我从未听说过,”他在给《华盛顿邮报》的电子邮件中说。

“China is deeply concerned and grieved on [the] Ukraine situation,” he said. “We support and encourage all efforts that are conducive to a peaceful settlement of the crisis. The high priority now is to prevent the tense situation from escalating or even getting out of control.”
“中国对乌克兰局势深感关切和悲痛,”他说。 “我们支持并鼓励一切有利于和平解决危机的努力。 现在的当务之急是防止紧张局势升级甚至失控。”

Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, speaking Sunday in a television interview, noted that part of Moscow’s gold and foreign exchange reserves were in Chinese currency, Reuters reported. “And we see what pressure is being exerted by Western countries on China in order to limit mutual trade.”
据路透社报道,俄罗斯财政部长安东·西卢阿诺夫周日在接受电视采访时指出,莫斯科的部分黄金和外汇储备是以人民币计价的。 “我们看到西方国家正在对中国施加什么压力,以限制相互贸易。”

“But I think that our partnership with China will still allow us to maintain the cooperation that we have achieved, and not only maintain, but also increase it in an environment where Western markets are closing.”

While Sullivan, who spoke on several Sunday talk shows, focused his remarks on economic aid and sanctions evasion, the officials said that Russia is running low on certain types of weapons. They declined to specify which kinds.
虽然沙利文在周日的几次讲话中,将他的言论集中在经济援助和逃避制裁上,但官员们表示,俄罗斯在某些类型的武器上的供应不足。 他们拒绝具体说明是哪一种。

“If Beijing is offering any type of military assistance to aid Moscow’s war in Ukraine, the spillover effects on U.S.-China policy could be vast,” said Eric Sayers, a former adviser to the U.S. Indo Pacific Command and now senior vice president at Beacon Global Strategies.
“如果北京提供任何类型的军事援助来帮助莫斯科在乌克兰的战争,那么对美中政策的溢出影响可能是巨大的,”美国印太司令部前顾问、现任 Beacon 全球战略高级副总裁埃里克·塞耶斯说。

“It would abruptly end debate about pathways to working with Beijing. More importantly, it would push Washington to accelerate retaliatory and decoupling actions toward China, and create new pressure on companies now doing business in China,” Sayers said.
“这将突然结束有关与北京合作途径的辩论。 更重要的是,这将推动华盛顿加快对中国的报复和脱钩行动,并对现在在中国开展业务的公司造成新的压力,”塞耶斯说。

China buys certain weapons from Russia, especially advanced fighter aircraft and surface-to-air missile systems, said Taylor Fravel, a political science professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who specializes in Chinese defense.

“As far as I know, China does not sell any weapons systems to Russia,” Fravel said. “In other words, Russia has enabled China’s military modernization but China so far has not contributed much to the development of Russia’s armed forces, apart from the profits of Russian weapons sales, which can be reinvested to improve Russian capabilities.”
“据我所知,中国不向俄罗斯出售任何武器系统,”弗拉维尔说。 “换句话说,俄罗斯促成了中国的军事现代化,但中国迄今对俄罗斯武装部队的发展贡献不大,除了俄罗斯武器销售的利润可以再投资以提高俄罗斯的能力。”

China has sought to balance political support for Russia, including blaming the United States and NATO expansion for the war, with upholding principles such as sovereignty and territorial integrity, Fravel noted. So if China provides “direct material support” to Russia’s war effort, he said, “it would be a watershed moment.”
弗拉维尔指出,中国试图平衡对俄罗斯的政治支持,包括将战争归咎于美国和北约的扩张,同时坚持主权和领土完整等原则。 因此,如果中国为俄罗斯的战争努力提供“直接物质支持”,他说,“这将是一个分水岭。”

China has sought to balance political support for Russia, including blaming the United States and NATO expansion for the war, with upholding principles such as sovereignty and territorial integrity, Fravel noted. So if China provides “direct material support” to Russia’s war effort, he said, “it would be a watershed moment.”
弗拉维尔指出,中国试图平衡对俄罗斯的政治支持,包括将战争归咎于美国和北约的扩张,同时坚持主权和领土完整等原则。 因此,如果中国为俄罗斯的战争努力提供“直接物质支持”,他说,“这将是一个分水岭。”

On the day Russian troops entered Ukraine, a spokesperson for China’s Foreign Ministry said Beijing would not send arms to Russia, taking a jab at U.S. efforts to muster military support for Ukraine. “There’s a difference in methods between China and the U.S. on this issue. … I think Russia, as a powerful country, does not need China or other countries to provide it with weapons,” Hua Chunying said at a news briefing.
在俄罗斯军队进入乌克兰的当天,中国外交部发言人表示,北京不会向俄罗斯运送武器,这是对美国为乌克兰争取军事支持的努力的猛烈抨击。 “在这个问题上,中美在方法上存在差异。 ......我认为俄罗斯作为一个强大的国家,不需要中国或其他国家提供武器,”华春莹在新闻发布会上说。

Moscow’s apparent turn to Beijing comes as senior U.S. intelligence officials last week described to Congress how Russia and China were more aligned than at any point since the mid-1950s.
莫斯科明显转向北京之际,美国高级情报官员上周向国会描述了俄罗斯和中国如何比 1950 年代中期以来的任何时候都更加一致。

“It continues to be the case that they are getting closer together,” Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines said on Tuesday, testifying before the House Intelligence Committee. “I think there’s a limit to which it will go, but nevertheless, that remains a concern. In terms of the impact of the current crisis, I’d say that it’s not yet clear to me exactly how it will affect the trajectory of their relationship.”
国家情报局局长艾薇儿·海恩斯周二在众议院情报委员会作证时说:“他们的关系仍然越来越密切。” “我认为它会达到一个极限,但尽管如此,这仍然是一个问题。 就当前危机的影响而言,我想说我还不清楚它将如何影响他们关系的轨迹。”

During the same panel, CIA Director William J. Burns noted that the China-Russia partnership has strengthened in recent years. He added, however, that he thought Chinese President Xi Jinping “and the Chinese leadership are a little bit unsettled by what they’re seeing in Ukraine.”
在同一小组讨论中,中央情报局局长威廉·伯恩斯指出,近年来中俄伙伴关系得到加强。 然而,他补充说,他认为中国国家主席希望“和中国领导层对他们在乌克兰看到的情况有些不安。”

China has also been cautiously watching how close the European Union and United States have been in lockstep on the Ukraine crisis. Chinese officials have “valued their relationship with Europe and valued what they believe to be their capacity to drive wedges between us and the Europeans,” Burns said.
中国也一直在谨慎关注欧盟和美国在乌克兰危机上的步调密切。 伯恩斯说,中国官员“重视他们与欧洲的关系,并重视他们认为自己在我们和欧洲之间挑拨离间的能力”。


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